For the first time nuclear Lumacaftor datasheet spin noise was observed experimentally by detecting nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) noise arising from 35Cl nuclei in a solid NaClO3 sample using a SQUID detector at low temperature (1.5 K) [6]. Disregarding noise originating from instrument imperfections, NMR noise has been shown to consist of entangled positive (i.e. more than thermal circuit noise) and negative (i.e. less than thermal circuit noise) components, which can be attributed to “pure spin noise” and “absorbed circuit noise” (ACN), respectively
[7]. Pure spin noise originates from the tiny fluctuating nuclear magnetic moments and their incomplete cancellation as predicted by Bloch [8], while ACN is a consequence of radiation damping, which
has a major impact under the conditions used for most spin noise experiments to date. NMR noise, actually mostly the ACN-component has been used recently as an indicator for optimized reception tuning of NMR probes [9], [10], [11] and [12]. While pure 1H spin noise can be observed in true equilibrium on liquid samples under imaging conditions [5] as well as in solids [12], noise spectra of 129Xe [13] were observed under hyperpolarization conditions, where ACN prevails. So, to the best of
our knowledge, as of to EPZ5676 molecular weight date only 1H and 129Xe nuclear spin noise and 35Cl quadrupolar noise have been reported experimentally. Erastin solubility dmso In the present communication we report the first 13C spin noise spectra and discuss their implications with respect to spin noise detection in general. According to the derivation of McCoy and Ernst [14] at perfect tuning, i.e. at the spin noise tuning optimum (SNTO) [9] and [11], where the circuit tuning frequency ωc is equal to the Larmor frequency ω , the deviation of the power spectral density conditions for on-resonance signals from the thermal noise level depends on the radiation damping rate λr and the transverse relaxation rate λ 2 as given by: equation(1) W(ω)-W(∞)=λ2(λ2+λr0)λ2+λr2-1Wcwith Wc being the noise spectral density of the rf-coil, which together with the preamplifier noise defines the thermal noise level. The amplitudes and the signs of the NMR noise signals (negative ones indicating “less than thermal noise”, i.e. absorbed circuit noise) are determined by the term in square brackets in Eq. (1), which depends on λ 2, λr , and λr0, the radiation damping rate in thermal equilibrium between coil and sample.