Follow-up multiple linear regression

Follow-up multiple linear regression analyses using stepwise

entry were conducted within the group with PTSD only, setting the INCB028050 empathy scores that differed significantly from controls as the dependent variable and including the following predictor variables: CTQ total scores, CAPS total scores (from previous month), PBI paternal care scores, PBI paternal overprotection scores, PBI maternal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical care scores, PBI maternal overprotection scores, and years of education. Given the high prevalence of comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD) among our sample with PTSD (i.e., 11/29 current MDD; 16/29 past MDD), supplementary correlation analyses were conducted to determine if there is an association between scores on the BDI and empathy measures. Pearson’s r or Spearman rho (ρ) values were reported, depending on results from the Shapiro–Wilk test of normality. Alpha was set at 0.05 for all analyses. Results Group comparisons for responses on the empathy measures Table ​Table22

reports the means, standard deviations, and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical group comparisons for IRI and TEQ scores. Women with PTSD reported lower levels of perspective taking (U = 187, z = −2.10, P = 0.035, r = 0.30) and empathic concern (U = 192, z = −2.00, P = 0.045, r = 0.29), and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical higher levels of personal distress (U = 137, z = −3.12, P = 0.002, r = 0.45) on the IRI relative to controls. There were no significant group differences between mean scores Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on the fantasy subscale. Table 2 Between group differences on empathy measures Relative to controls, the PTSD group reported higher levels of empathic responding as assessed by the TEQ, F(1, 47) = 7.13, η2 = 0.13. Parental bonding, current PTSD symptom severity, childhood trauma severity, and years of education as predictors of empathic responding PBI paternal care was the best predictor of IRI perspective taking, accounting for 20% of the variance (R2 = 0.197; adjusted R2 = 0.164, F(7, 25) = 5.893, P = 0.023). Only PBI Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical paternal care significantly predicted perspective taking (t(25) = 2.43, b = 0.293; P = 0.023). None of the independent variables entered into the regression models significantly

predicted IRI personal distress, IRI empathic concern, or TEQ scores. Therefore, PTSD symptom severity, as assessed by the CAPS, did not predict scores on any of the empathy subscales. To explore if any specific criteria of PTSD symptomatology, rather than total symptom severity, Entinostat was related to empathy, a correlation analysis was performed to determine if the scores from CAPS criterion A, B, C, or Associated Features (from previous month) were associated with empathy scores in the group with PTSD. The only significant correlation that emerged was between criterion D (hyperarousal) and TEQ scores (ρ = 0.41, P = 0.029). Supplementary analyses BDI scores indexing severity of potential comorbid depressive symptoms were not significantly correlated with IRI perspective taking (ρ = 0.20, P = 0.

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