Five (23%) patients (all PB) had a normal NCS The NCS result wa

Five (23%) patients (all PB) had a normal NCS. The NCS result was significantly more compromised in MB than PB patients (χ2= 7.765, P= 0.01) in both the motor (χ2= 9.900, P= 0.003) and sensory nerves (χ2= 6.712, P= 0.02) (Table 1). In addition, temporal dispersion was only BGB324 observed in three patients: two in the ulnar and one in the median nerves. Sensory and motor alteration was more evident in the NCS than in the respective clinical parameters. For example, although no tactile sensory impairment of the ulnar nerve was clinically Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical observed, the

NCS showed sensory dysfunction in 41% (18/44) of all ulnar nerves (Table 2). Among the sensory nerves, the most commonly clinically affected were those of the lower extremities, namely, the calcaneal and plantar (19% and 14%, respectively), followed by the sural

and superficial peroneal (13% each), while the sural nerve was the most impaired (43% with no conduction) in the NCS. Similarly, even though motor alteration was not clinically Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical evident, it was detected by NCS (25 nerves: 57%). Both sensory and motor alterations were significantly more frequent in MB over PB patients (χ2= 7.25, P= 0.027). No conduction was more commonly observed in the sensory (17%) than motor nerves (3%): 19 sural, followed by five radial, three ulnar, and two median, sensory nerves, and only in four motor nerves, namely Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the common peroneal nerve. After excluding nonconducting nerves, prolonged latency was the most frequent abnormality in both the sensory—20.4%

(30/147)—and motor—28.9% (37/128) nerves. Sensory nerve action potential amplitude was reduced in 18.4% (27/147) of the nerves Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and compound muscle action potential amplitude, in 15.1% (58/384) of the stimulation sites. Velocity, the least-affected parameter among the sensory nerves (4.1%[6/147]), was reduced in 21.8% (56/256) of the motor nerve segments evaluated. When inferring pathophysiological alteration by means of NCS (after excluding nonconducting nerves), demyelinating lesions (48%)—mainly among MB patients—predominated as the nerve-conduction Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical abnormality pattern (Table 3), followed by the occurrence of axonal lesions in 20 (42%) nerves (two PB and three MB). Mixed lesions, however, were observed in only five (10%). Table 3 Number of nerves (%) according to lesion patterns on nerve conduction study in leprosy groups. All patients were reevaluated one year after cessation of MDT. As in the first evaluation, MTMR9 NFI was frequently observed (68% of the patients). However, while all the MB patients had NFI, considerable improvement was observed in the PB cases (Table 1), leading to a significant difference between the two groups (χ2= 12.320, P= 0.001), mainly regarding SNF impairment. A total of four PB patients recovered full nerve function. Even so, despite overall clinical improvement, the frequency of nerve enlargement was stationary and 50% of these patients recovered sensory improvement.

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