Figure 3 The bottom-up pathway
of the hippocampus-VTA loop mediates positive place reinforcement learning following conditioning the VTA. (A) Baseline place preference is defined by the amount of time per session prior to the commencement of IC-CPP. Rats were … In rats previously trained with intra-VTA-METH CPP, intra-VHC-METH produced positive place reinforcement learning 24 h following conditioning After we finished our assessments on intra-VTA-METH-induced CPP learning, the same groups Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of rats from “METH produced positive place learning following conditioning the VTA” were conditioned with either METH or Ringer’s intra-VHC, for the first time (refer Fig. 1B). There was a significant interaction between treatments (Base [n = 11], Ringer’s [n = 9], METH [n = 10]) and test (Test 4, Test 5, Test 6) (F [6, 49] = 3.39, P < 0.01). Following the first-time mTOR inhibitor intra-VHC exposure, the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical two groups did not statistically differ from one another, but both groups showed significant positive CPP toward the drug-paired chambers compared to the baseline condition
(P < 0.005). The time deviation for the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical METH-paired chambers following the second conditioning session was significantly reduced to a negative value below baseline (P < 0.005), however, there were no significant differences between METH-paired and Ringer's-paired groups on time deviation from the baseline condition (P = 0.67). To our surprise, 24 h following conditioning, METH rats, but not Ringer's rats, spent a significantly greater amount of time in METH-paired chambers compared
to both the Ringer’s group (P < 0.05) and the baseline condition (P < 0.05) (Fig. 4B–D). In addition, METH groups spent a significantly more time in METH-paired Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical chambers compared to Ringer's-paired chambers (P < 0.01). Figure 4 The bottom-up pathway of the hippocampus-VTA loop mediates positive place reinforcement learning Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical following conditioning the VHC. (A and B) Total amount of time spent (30 min/session/day); (A) in the Ringer's-paired, and (B) in the METH-paired chambers ... In rats previously trained with Mephenoxalone intra-VTA-METH followed by intra-VHC METH, intra-NAc-METH also produced an augmented positive place reinforcement learning 24 h following conditioning The NAc is highly implicated in the expression (or maintenance phase) of addictive behaviors associated with substances of abuse including METH (Rodriguez et al. 2008). Thus, to see the effect on the maintenance of IC-METH-CPP learning, we continued the experiment by finally conditioning the NAc. Therefore, the same rats from “In rats previously trained with intra-VTA-METH CPP, intra-VHC-METH produced positive place reinforcement learning 24 h following conditioning” were conditioned and tested with either METH or Ringer’s intra-NAc, for the first time (Fig. 1B).