Figure 1. Euphoric responses to µ opiate receptor agonist administration. A) Visual analogue scale (VAS) scores as mean values before and up to 60 min after administration of 0.2 mg fentanyl/kg; 0 mm = very unpleasant feelings; 1 00 mm = extremely positive … Evidence for abundant DNA sequence variability in the gene encoding the human µ opiate receptor Major advances in human molecular genetics in the
late 1980s led to the cloning of numerous genes encoding pharmacologically characterized receptors. This allowed in principle to address the role of receptors in disease and individually different drug response for the first time at the most Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical basic level, that is, DNA sequence information. If DNA sequence differences in the receptor gene were identified that were correlated
with the individual phenotype in question, this could provide important clues on underlying receptor dysfunction and its nature. Since it is the entire gene and its encoded protein that act as the units of function which potentially affect Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a phenotype (and ultimately allow the first conclusions on disease mechanisms), it appeared Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical mandatory to analyze the entire sequences of the individual genes, including their regulatory and critical intronic sequences. This required DNA sequence analyses at a previously unprecedented scale, in the Megabase range. Thus, we developed a powerful technique to perform comparative candidate gene sequencing in large numbers of patients and controls, “Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Sequencing.” In principle, this technology allowed processing multiple (up to 55) sequencing reactions simultaneously in one reaction Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical tube, increasing throughput accordingly. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical As a second prerequisite, we generated significant information on the genomic organization of the human µ opiate receptor gene, extending the previously cloned complimentary DNA (cDNA) sequence information7 significantly. We determined several kb of 5′ regulatory region, identified a number of potential binding sites for transcriptional regulatory factors, and cloned critical intronic sequences.8
These lines of research and technology development were combined to conduct the first systematic and to date most comprehensive analysis of DNA sequence Akt inhibitor variation in the human µ opiate receptor gene (OPRMf ).9 In a total of 250 individuals with a phenotype of severe substance Thymidine kinase (heroine/cocaine dependence and controls from two major populations, AfricanAmericans and European-Americans, abundant DNA sequence diversity was revealed (Figure 2). Regarding the nature and distribution of sequence variation in OPRM1, a total of 43 biallelic variants were identified. Clearly, the density of variants was higher in the 5′ regulatory and untranslated regions than in the coding regions, where six variants, five of which affect the encoded protein, were found.