Exposed brain
was initially sampled at low resolution (512 × 512 pixels, 620 × 620 μm field of view (FOV), 5 μm slices) to identify YFP-labeled cells. Labeled cells were then imaged at high resolution (1024 × 1024 pixels, 155 × 155 μm FOV, or 2048 × 2048 pixels, 310 × 310 μm FOV), with 0.5–1 μm optical slices. Individual dendrites were reimaged 7 and 14 days later. Images were processed for denoising using a novel polynomial interpolation method (Torskey and Smirnakis, in preparation). Dendrites and dendritic spines were quantified and reconstructed in three dimensions using Neurolucida software (MBF Biosciences). A key step in successful P0 intraventricular injection is to precisely target the lateral ventricles with minimal damage to the brain. We have explored a number of different injections, leading us to attain two independent coordinates Panobinostat chemical structure for intraventricular virus infusion in neonatal mouse. Targeting of the lateral ventricles was accomplished by inserting the injection needle freehand perpendicular
to the skull surface and penetrating 3 mm deep. One of the sites was located two-fifths of the distance along an imaginary Ion Channel Ligand Library cost line between the lambda and eye; the other was located 1 mm lateral to the sagittal suture midway between the lambda and bregma (Figs 1A and B). To develop accuracy with the technique, a dye solution can be injected in place of virus and the brain harvested immediately to examine localisation and spread. Following correctly targeted injections, dye will be visible throughout the continuous ventricular chambers spanning the brain from the olfactory Succinyl-CoA bulb to the cerebellum. Cross-section of the brain at the level of the rostral striatum should reveal dye restricted to the ventricles, but within these chambers it fills the entire space. Within a few practice sessions, the lateral ventricles can be reliably targeted by freehand injection (Fig. 1D). The other requirement for the successful use of intracranial injection is good survival with minimal injury. We used small-bore injection needles designed to balance
the potential for tissue damage against the possibility of needle clogging; we opted for 32 gauge needles with small neonates such as B6 and 30 gauge with larger strains such as ICR. After injection, ICR pups were returned to their mothers, whereas B6 pups were fostered to ICR females because we found B6 mothers less likely to accept and nurse the pups after being removed from the nest and handled. These approaches yielded survival rates above 95% with consistent transduction patterns and no evidence of tissue damage. We examined the distribution of viral transduction using native fluorescence from recombinant AAV8 encoding eYFP or tdTomato injected into the cerebral lateral ventricles 3–4 weeks before harvest.