e., walking), and object motion (i.e., toy car, ball) to distinguish the responses between human and object motion. We examined the spectral power changes in the sensorimotor, parietal, and temporal regions as well the time–frequency responses to observation of the three actions in the NVP-BGJ398 sensorimotor region. Methods Participants A total of 14 infants between the ages of 4 and 11 months (mean age: 7.08 months, eight males, six females) participated in this experiment. Four infants were excluded from analysis due
to movement or insufficient artifact free trials per Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical condition. Parents provided information about the reaching and ambulatory experience of their infant. All infants were able to perform a reaching motion but
none had started to walk at the time of the experiment according to parent reports. Parents provided written consent according to the guidelines specified by the Human Ethics Review Board at the University of British Columbia. Stimuli Videos of 1.5-sec Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical duration depicting three different actions: human walking, hand reaching for objects, and object motion (toy car, rolling ball) were prepared. Adult actors were used for the reaching and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical walking videos. Videos were recorded against a neutral background. Unlike previous studies, we did not show the face of the actors in any of the displays. A total of 60 videos (20 walking, 20 reaching, and 20 object motion) were included. Experimental setup and procedure Infants were seated on their parent’s lap in front of a 90-cm Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical projector screen at a viewing distance of approximately 190 cm. A camera was placed below the projection screen to monitor the infants’ eye and limb movements. Only trials with no limb movement and during which the infant observed the video displayed were included in the analysis. EEG recording and analysis EEG was recorded using an infant-sized 64-channel HydroCel Geodesic Sensor Nets (EGI, Eugene, OR). EEG was recorded with a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Net Amps 300 amplifier at a sampling rate of 250 Hz. Scalp electrode impedances were usually less than 50 kΩ. The signal was collected referenced to the vertex (Cz). The signal was
then filtered from 4 to 40 Hz, and a notch filter of 60 Hz was included. Since our primary interest was in understanding the location and sources of brain activity, we used source modeling rather than analysis of specific sensors/electrodes. Activity in every brain region is associated with a widespread topology Adenylyl cyclase and thus a source montage was used to transform the EEG activity obtained from all the 151 channels into estimated contributions of a set of 15 separate brain regions using Brain Electrical Source Analysis (BESA) (MEGIS Software GmbH). Fast Fourier transforms were performed on single trials (1024 points Hanning window) and averaged for each condition. The EEG data for the central, parietal, and temporal regions were group averaged across all infants.