Dissatisfaction was infrequent. Conclusion: This pilot study suggests that older patients trained to dialyse at home using PD or HD are highly satisfied with the nephrology service – even when living remote from the nephrology unit. Home-based dialysis is possible in older patients with levels of comorbidity and disease
severity as serious as elsewhere. “
“Prof Terry Cook Professor of Renal Pathology and Deputy Director of the Centre for Complement and Inflammation https://www.selleckchem.com/products/kpt-330.html Research Imperial College Consultant Renal Pathologist in the Imperial Academic Health Science Centre United Kingdom A/Prof Christopher McIntyre Associate Professor of Nephrology School of Graduate Entry Medicine and Health University of Nottingham Hon. Consultant Nephrologist Cobimetinib Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust United Kingdom Prof Jean-Paul Soulillou Professor of Immunology University of Nantes France “
“There has been a global decline in the uptake of home-based dialysis therapies in the past 20 years. The ability to provide appropriate information to potential patients in this area may be confounded by a lack of knowledge of home dialysis options. The aim of this study was to develop a web-based education package for health professionals to
increase knowledge and positive perceptions of home-based dialysis options. A three-module e-learning package concerning home dialysis was developed under the auspices of the home dialysis
first project. These modules were tested on 88 undergraduate health professionals. Changes in attitudes and knowledge of home dialysis were measured using custom designed surveys administered electronically to students who completed the modules. Matched pre and post responses to the survey Tau-protein kinase items were compared using Wilcoxon signed rank tests. The pre survey indicated clear deficits in existing knowledge of home dialysis options. In particular, when asked if haemodialysis could be performed at home, 22% of participants responded ‘definitely no’ and a further 24% responded ‘probably no’. Upon completion of the e-learning, post survey responses indicated statistically significant improvements (P < 0.001) in eight of the nine items. When asked if the e-learning had increased their knowledge about home dialysis, 99% of participants responded ‘definitely yes’. A suite of web-based education modules can successfully deliver significant improvements in awareness and knowledge around home dialysis therapies. "
“Aim: To evaluate their prognosis, the damage by melamine on children’s kidney and other organs, and its influence on the children’s development, was investigated.