Conclusion: In our small cohort of patients, TDF for treatment of

Conclusion: In our small cohort of patients, TDF for treatment of chronic hepatitis B (up to 54 months) was not associated with clinically significant renal toxicity. Hypophosphatemia, proteinuria and glycosuria occurred, but did not herald the development of renal dysfunction during follow up. 1. Nelson M, Katlama C, Montaner J et al. The safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for the treatment of HIV infection in adults: the first 4 years. AIDS 2007; 21: 1273–1281. S-L CHEN, S NAZARETH, W LAM, T BUDGE, N KONTORINIS, L TARQUINIO, J KONG, W CHENG Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major cause of liver-related

deaths in patients with compensated cirrhosis. Due to the increasing number of patients with cirrhosis Selleckchem BVD-523 and advanced fibrosis, a Nurse-Led HCC surveillance clinic was established in February 2010 to reduce the workload of the medical staff. Materials and methods: Patients with cirrhosis and advanced fibrosis are referred to the Nurse-Led HCC surveillance clinic and followed up every 6 months. Surveillance protocols are used to identify patients

with impending hepatic decompensation or possible HCC. Cirrhosis or advanced fibrosis is defined as F4 or F3 (Metavir) on liver biopsy, Hepascore ≥ 0.8 and evidence of cirrhosis or portal hypertension on ultrasound. Patients are monitored AZD2281 mw by LFT, U&E, FBP, INR, AFP and ultrasound. Endoscopic examinations for patients with cirrhosis

are performed as per protocol. Patients are referred back to the medical 上海皓元医药股份有限公司 clinic if they exhibit (1) impaired synthetic function – raised INR or fall in albumin (2) excessive weight gain or weight loss (3) abnormal ultrasound (4) raised AFP (5) nurse is concerned about the patient. Results: A total of 41 patients (30 males, 11 females, mean age 59.1 years) were seen. Follow-up period ranges from 2 months to 39 months. All the patients were post Hepatitis C treatment. Majority of this group of patients had achieved SVR (70.7%) and the rest have failed treatment. Two (2) patients were found to have abnormal ultrasound scans. One patient subsequently underwent MRI and had confirmed HCC and the other yet to be confirmed. No. of patients Male – 30 (73.2%) Female −11 (26.8%) Caucasian 19 (46.3%) 4 (9.8%) Asian 9 (21.9%) 7 (17.1%) African 2 (4.9%) 0 (0%) Genotype 17 (41.5%) 8 (19.5%) Genoty pe 2/3 13 (31.7%) 3 (7.3%) SVR 21 (51.2%) 8 (19.5%) Non responder 6 (14.6%) 2 (4.9%) Relapser 3 (7.3%) 1 (2.4%) Conclusion:  (1)  Nurse-Led HCC surveillance clinic is an effective method of monitoring patients with cirrhosis, who are at high risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. S SOOD,1 J PAVLOVIC,1 PJ GOW,1 PW ANGUS,1 K VISVANATHAN,2 AG TESTRO1 1Department of Gastroenterology, University of Melbourne, Austin Health, Melbourne, 2Innate Immunology Laboratory, University of Melbourne, St.

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