citrinum. learn more Group 3 contains strains which are transitional towards P. chrysogenum and are claimed to produce both citrinin and penicillin. Examination
of the representative of this group, NRRL 822, showed to be a P. chrysogenum (as P. rubens), and no citrinin was produced by this strain (Samson and Frisvad 2004). The P. citrinum isolates, which resemble typical P. citrinum strains in macromorphological characters, but have variously branched or monoverticillate conidiophores, were placed in group 4. NRRL 783 and NRRL 784 are representatives of this group and were described as P. sartoryi (Thom 1930). This species was placed in synonymy with P. citrinum (Pitt 1979; Pitt et al. 2000). However, Peterson (2000) suggested that P. sartoryi is a distinct species, based on ITS and partial 28S rDNA data. Re-analyses of the ITS regions of this species revealed a 2 bp difference with the sequence deposited in Genbank (AF033421). Our molecular data and the extrolite profiles show that this species is conspecific with P. citrinum. Group 5 contains this website colour mutants and examination of NRRL 2145, a representative of this group, and CBS 122452, a colour mutant isolated from Thai coffee beans, showed that these two strains are P. citrinum. Both strains have brown coloured conidia and share partial calmodulin and ITS sequences with CBS 139.48T. In contrast, both strains differ one basepair with CBS 139.48T in their partial
BenA sequence. These colour mutants form a separate clade selleck chemical in the BenA phylogram, together with CBS 117.64, a green coloured P. citrinum, and therefore conidium colour is not an exclusive character for this subclade. Raper and Thom (1949) placed nutrient Hormones antagonist deficient mutants
in group 6 and strains belonging to this group are characterized by sparse growth on Czapek’s agar. The extrolite pattern of NRRL 2148, a representative of this group, was analyzed and this strain had a P. citrinum profile (Malmstrøm et al. 2000). Frisvad et al. (1990) noted that the type of P. implicatum is a synonym of P. citrinum. Pitt (1979) was unaware of the existence of the type material and designated IMI 190235 as a neotype. CBS 232.38, the type culture of P. implicatum, resembles P. citrinum in having typical P. citrinum colonies and conidiophores and shares identical BenA sequences with the type of P. citrinum. Therefore Frisvad et al. (1990) is followed and the neotype proposed by Pitt (1979) is rejected. Penicillium phaeojanthinellum and P. fellutanum were also proposed by Frisvad et al. (1990) as synonyms for P. citrinum and Pitt (1979) placed P. botryosum in synonomy with P. citrinum. The placement of P. phaeojanthinellum and P. botryosum in synonymy with P. citrinum is confirmed here. No type material of P. fellutanum could be obtained and therefore the placement of this species remains unknown. Penicillium gorlenkoanum Baghdadi, Nov. sist. Niz. Rast., 1968: 97. 1968. = Penicillium damascenum Baghdadi, Nov. sist. Niz.