C. parapsilosis reference strain ATCC 22019 was used as control. Statistics Statistical analysis was performed using Instat software (GraphPad, USA). One-way ANOVA followed by Post-hoc test (Bonferroni) was used to evaluate the level of statistical significance of clustering. The association between biofilm and proteinase production was determined by Pearson’s correlation coefficient selleck chemical (r). Differences between proteinase/biofilm producers versus non producers were examined using Fisher’s exact test. A P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Molecular typing of Candida parapsilosis isolates AFLP was used to confirm correct species identification and to evaluate genetic variability
within the selected 62 C. parapsilosis isolates. AFLP profiles obtained for C. parapsilosis consisted of 80 fragments ranging from 100 to 700 bases. Fragments larger than 700 bases were used as a control of DNA integrity. The number of monomorphic fragments was 62, which were common to all C. parapsilosis isolates. Therefore, these fragments were considered species specific
and used for identification. Indeed, as shown in Figure 1A, which includes a wider panel of clinical isolates, this CHIR-99021 price method allowed us to identify the presence of C. metapsilosis and C. tropicalis (CP542, CP534, CP557), which were excluded from this study. Identification of C. tropicalis and C. metapsilosis was performed by comparing AFLP profiles with those of 16 different fungal reference species [[16], data not shown]. Figure 1 AFLP patterns. GNE-0877 (A) AFLP profiles obtained from the molecular screening of 48 putative Candida parapsilosis
clinical isolates and reference strains ATCC 22019 (C. parapsilosis), ATCC 96139 (C. orthopsilosis) and ATCC 96143 (C. metapsilosis). In bold, isolates used in this study for genotyping and phenotyping isolated from Argentina (CP540-558) and Hungary (510-536). M 50-500 base molecular weigh standard. In italics, the non-parapsilosis isolates identified during the AFLP screening. (B) AFLP profiles of 34 C. parapsilosis strains isolated from Italy (CP1-CP502) and New Zealand (CP425-486). At the top of the figure, reference strains for C. metapsilosis (ATCC 96143) C. orthopsilosis (ATCC 96139) and C. parapsilosis (ATCC 22019) are included. Figure 1 displays the AFLP profiles obtained from several C. parapsilosis isolates including those selected for the study and isolated from Argentina, Hungary (Figure 1A), Italy, and New Zealand (Figure 1B). When the presence/absence of fragments was the only parameter considered in AFLP analysis, very little genotypic diversity within the isolate collection was found (Figure 1A-B). In fact, the majority of AFLP markers included in the analysis (n = 80) were monomorphic, with only 18 polymorphic fragments. In agreement, UPGMA analysis indicated that all isolates grouped together, with a similarity index (SAB) higher than 0.96 (Figure 2A).