(c) 2008 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved “
“Experimental u

(c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Experimental unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO)

is widely used to study renal fibrosis; however, renal injury can only be scored semiobjectively by histology. We sought to improve the UUO model by reimplanting the obstructed ureter followed by removal of the contralateral HKI-272 price kidney, thus allowing longitudinal measurements of renal function. Mice underwent UUO for different lengths of time before ureteral reimplantation and contralateral nephrectomy. Measurement of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) allows objective evaluation of residual renal function. Seven weeks after reimplantation and contralateral nephrectomy, mean BUN levels were increased with longer duration of UUO. Interstitial expansion,

fibrosis, and T-cell and macrophage infiltration were similar in kidneys harvested after 10 days of UUO or following 10 weeks of ureter reimplantation, suggesting that the inflammatory process persisted despite relief of obstruction. Urinary protein excretion after reimplantation was significantly increased compared to control animals. Our study shows that functional assessment of the formerly obstructed kidney can be made after reimplantation and may provide a useful model to test therapeutic strategies for reversing renal fibrosis and preserving or restoring renal function.”
“From 45 to 55 days after birth, male and female rats were treated via daily intraperitoneal check details injections with either isotonic saline, or 15 or 30 mg/kg caffeine. When 72-82 and 112-122 days old, their activity and emotional reactivity were assessed by means of frequencies of rearing, ambulation, immobility, defecation and urination recorded in an open field, as well as their occupancy of corners and

center squares of the field, and their partial emergence and latencies to fully emerge from a small darkened chamber into a brightly lit arena. Rats treated with caffeine were probably more emotionally Cyclosporin A manufacturer reactive than untreated controls as suggested by more immobility and defecation and urination. There were also effects on rearing and ambulation that might have arisen from increased impulsivity. Further evidence of caffeine treatment-induced higher emotional reactivity was found in the heavier adrenal glands of a small number of 10 months-old males. This occurred in the absence of any caffeine treatment effects on spatial reference memory measured by ability to identify a novel Y-maze arm. Changes between the two testing ages in rearing and emergence latencies, and sex-dependent changes in ambulation, defecation and corner and center squares occupancy, along with immobility for 30 mg/kg caffeine-treated subjects, were discussed in the light of possible changes in emotional reactivity.

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