ASA and MH participated in the discussion and design of the study

ASA and MH participated in the discussion and design of the study for the possible application of the nanospheres in solar-cells. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Exploring the fundamental properties of an individual silicon nanowire (Si NW) is important as it forms the backbone of the fabrication of single-nanowire nanoelectronic devices. There are reports on the development of Si NW-based nanoscale devices such as field-effect transistors (FETs) [1, 2] with wrap-around gates, surface-gated sensitive chemical and biomolecular sensors [3, 4], as well as nanoscale

opto-electronic devices [5]. In the context of C646 molecular weight such nanowire-based device, one important physical parameter is the low-frequency flicker noise, which has a direct impact on the device performance. In recent publications, it has been argued that flicker noise in qubits can lead to decoherence and can be the limiting factor in

increasing the coherence time [6]. While flicker noise in a sub-micron metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) with varying channel width has been investigated for some time [7], there are no reports of measurements of the low-frequency flicker noise in Si NWs and nanowire-based devices particularly with diameters much less than 100 nm. In this paper, we report the measurement of Natural Product Library nmr flicker noise in a metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) device made from a single strand of a Si NW. In such a device, the flicker noise can come from the junction

region where the metals make contacts with the semiconductor (MS junction) as well as from the single Si NW. The noise arising from the junction region can be large and can even mask the noise from the Si NW by a few orders. This is because the flicker noise is likely to arise from charge carrier density fluctuations due to trapping-detrapping in the junction region. By an innovative application of direct current (dc) bias (used for biasing the device) mixed with an alternating current (ac) bias (used for the noise measurements), we could suppress the noise Idelalisib from the junction region and observe the noise which likely arises from the single Si NW. The enabling physics that leads to suppression of the noise in the junction region on application of the dc bias is the collapse of the depletion region at the junction region by the applied dc bias. The low-frequency flicker noise in most materials has a power spectral density (PSD) with 1/f frequency dependence and can serve as a diagnostic of the presence of structural defects arising from mobility fluctuations. In semiconductors, the 1/f noise can also arise from recombination-generation process [8]. For the Si NW devices, proper estimation of the generic noise arising from nanowire itself is an essential device parameter for the better performance of low-noise electronics. The fluctuations in this cases arise from resistance fluctuations in a current biased system which shows up voltage fluctuations with PSD S V (f).

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