As the amount of precipitated total STAT5 showed some varia tion when same cell numbers were used, we additionally quantified STAT5 e pression levels compar ing different pools of the transduced cell lines and using 20 ug of each lysate and did not find any dif ference. Increased phosphorylation of STAT5 in siRhoH cells was confirmed using intracellu lar staining by FACS analysis using a FITC labelled pSTAT5 antibody. IL3 Receptor a chain e pression is negatively regulated by RhoH The enhanced activation of STAT5 in cells that Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries e pressed low levels of RhoH could potentially be caused by more efficient downstream signalling events or by an increase in the e pression of the ligand binding cell surface receptor, IL3Ra. We therefore determined the surface localisation of CD123 by FACS analysis using a PE labelled CD123 antibody.
Figure 4D shows that siRhoH cells e press app. 25% more CD123 than control cells, while RhoH overe pressing cells show a decrease of CD123 e pression of app. 50% as determined from three independent e periments. Interestingly, it is known that Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries a large number of AML patients show elevated e pression of CD123 and hyper activation of STAT5, which protects these cells from apoptosis. Drug_discovery It was found previously that the tran scription factor interferon regulatory factor 1 is highly overe pressed in AML eventually leading to the upregulation of the IRF 1 dependent gene CD123. Since IRF 1 e pression can be induced by STAT5, we checked whether we could detect an upregulation of IRF 1 in siRhoH cells. Indeed, IRF 1 e pression was app.
200 fold higher in siRhoH cells compared to control cells. The acute monocytic leukaemia cell line THP 1 displays an siRhoH phenotype Low RhoH e pression levels in samples from Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries AML patients represent an unfavourable prognostic factor regarding patient survival. It was speculated that Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries this might be connected to an increased resistance of these cells to apoptosis during chemotherapy through increased Rac1 activity. To investigate whether our findings on the regulation of the anti apoptotic factor STAT5 through low RhoH e pression levels might have consequences in this scenario, we used THP 1 cells as a model system. THP 1 cells are derived from a patient with acute monocytic leukaemia. THP 1 cells correspond to the M5 phenotype in the French American British classification system of AMLs which were shown to have low levels of RhoH. As a control, we used THP 1 cells that had been transiently transfected with human RhoH cDNA. Transfection efficiency was analysed by western blot using an HA antibody and b actin as a load ing control. When we investigated the sur face e pression levels of CD123 we found CD123 to be significantly downregulated in RhoH overe pressing cells.