AR (Archeae), BA (Bacteria), PROK (Prokaryotes) include both bacteria and Archaee, EXP = Experimental database These data were organized in five “”boxes”" with regard to the features predicted: three boxes correspond to signal peptide detection (Lipoprotein, Tat- and Sec- dependent MK-8776 chemical structure targeting signals); one box for the prediction of alpha-transmembrane segments (TM-Box); and
one box, only available for diderms (Gram-negatives), for outer membrane localization through prediction of beta-barrels. Data generation There is a great diversity of web and stand-alone resources for the prediction of protein subcellular location. We retrieved and tested 99 currently (in 2009) available specialized and global tools (software resources) that use various amino acid features and diverse methods: algorithms, HMM, NN, Support Vector Machine (SVM), software
suites and others), to predict protein subcellular localization (Additional file 2). All tools were evaluated: some are included in CoBaltDB, some may be launched directly from the platform (Table 4), and others were excluded because of redundancy or processing reasons or both (Table 5). Some tools are specific to Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria. Many prediction methods applicable to both Gram categories have different parameters for the two groups of bacteria. For these reasons, each NCBI complete bacterial and archaeal genome implemented in CoBaltDB was registered as “”monoderm”" or “”diderm”", on the basis of information in the literature and phylogeny (Additional file 3). Monoderms and diderms were considered MEK162 as Gram-negative and Gram-positive, respectively. All archaea were classified as monoderm prokaryotes since their cells are bounded by a single cell membrane and possess a cell envelope [3, 95]. An exception was made for Ignicoccus hospitalis as it owns an outer sheath resembling the outer membrane of gram-negative
bacteria [96]. Table 4 Tools available using CoBaltDB “”post”" window Program Reference Analytical method ioxilan CoBaltDB features prediction group(s) LipPred [133] Naive Bayesian Network LIPO PRED-LIPO [58] HMM LIPO (only Monoderm) SPEPLip [134] NN LIPO SEC SecretomeP [135] Pattern & NN ΔSEC_SP Signal-3L [136] Multi-modules SEC Signal-CF [137] Multi-modules SEC Signal-Blast [138] BlastP SEC Sigcleave EMBOSS Von Heijne method SEC PRED-SIGNAL [129] HMM SEC (only Archae) Flafind [139] AA features T3SS Archae + T4SS Bacteria T3SS_prediction [110] SVM & NN T3SS EffectiveT3 [111] Machine learning T3SS NtraC Signal Analysis [140] Pattern model SEC (long SP) Philius [141] HMM SEC αTMB (SP)OCTOPUS [142, 143] Blast Homology, NN, HMM SEC αTMB MemBrain [144] Machine learning SEC αTMB DAS [145] Dense Alignment Surface αTMB HMM-TM [146] HMM αTMB SVMtop Server 1.