A complete table of instructions would be helpful and will hopefully be available soon. We recommend taking the lowest dose of melatonin currently available or using a pill cutter. In a few people, even the 0.5 mg dose may cause sleepiness immediately after taking it during the day. Lowering the dose further will reduce the soporific side effect, but then a second dose should be taken a few hours later, particularly when a phase advance is desired, in order to create overlap between the exogenous melatonin
pulse and the endogenous melatonin profile, as described above. Shift work maladaptation Although it is quite clear that very few shift Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical workers adapt their circadian rhythms to conform to their work schedules, there is no consensus as to how best to help them. This topic has been reviewed elsewhere. The first use of light to treat shift workers was published in 1987.110 The first use of melatonin to treat shift workers was published Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the early 1990s.111,112 When trying to sleep at odd hours, shift workers have a type of jet lag. Night workers have the same problems as someone who has traveled
through 12 time zones, in fact, worse, since air travelers usually adjust at a rate of at least 1 h per day, as mentioned above. Night workers rarely adjust their circadian Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical rhythms, probably because of the morning sunlight exposure that occurs on the way home from work. Evening workers have it somewhat easier. Chronobiologists uniformly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical recommend staying on the same schedule every day, week after week. Neither light nor melatonin would then be necessary. However, workers (certainly those who do so at night) are uniformly against sleeping during the day on their weekends. Because their circadian rhythms do not usually adapt to their work schedules, shift workers feel good only on their days off. After working each night, they force themselves to sleep during the day when their body clocks would have them stay up, and of course their work
suffers as they soldier through the wee hours Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the night when their body clock would have them sleep. A number of medical complaints often Etoposide in vivo accompany shift Thalidomide work, and the older one gets, the harder it is to adapt. Experts do not agree on how to help shift workers. As mentioned above, part of the problem lies in the fact that some workers would rather feel better on their days off than on their workdays, while managers understandably want workers to be most rested and alert during their hours of employment. Even if this issue is resolved, the next conundrum is that one cannot shift more than 3 to 4 h per day. Compromise schedules that rely on the use of appropriately timed bright light and/or melatonin administration have been proposed that stabilize circadian phase midway between work and off-work schedules. For example, Eastman and associates have proposed such a compromise schedule.