98%) experienced hoarseness. Conclusion: Combination of TLE, single lumen
tube, bilateral lung ventilation and semi-prone position could be safety applied in treatment of Selleck Compound Library ESCC with acceptable mortality and morbidity rates. Key Word(s): 1. Esophageal cancer; 2. esophagectomy; 3. Semi-prone position; Presenting Author: CHOON WOON NGO Additional Authors: MUTYALAVINOD KUMAR, JU FAN TAY Corresponding Author: CHOON WOON NGO Affiliations: Hospital Duchess of Kent Objective: This is an ongoing study from April 2011 to March 2013. We had collected 35 patients subjected to endoscopic retrograde chlangiopancreaticography (ERCP), immediately followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Methods: We recruited those good risk patients with ultrasonographic-confirmed choledochocystolithiasis and elevated alkaline Roxadustat phosphatase (ALP) levels. Both procedures were done under general anaesthesia and supine position. Air was sucked out during withdrawal of the scope before proceed with LC, in case
of necessity a Ryle’s tube was passed. We had excluded some candidates, as there was either insufficient clearance of common bile duct (CBD) stones due to the numbers or frank cholangitis. Results: The mean operative time for ERCP is 32 minutes ± 26 minutes, whereas LC is 67 minutes ± 40 minutes. For both procedures combined, we used 100 minutes ± 52 minutes. Most of the patients stayed in hospital for 1 day, which ranged from 1 to 7 days. All of them had no late complications Methisazone until now. 3 cases were converted to open; one case
had multiple adhesions from gallstone pancreatitis, another bowel was too distended to perform a safe surgery and lastly, the Dormia basket was stuck in the CBD. 1 case was not preceded with LC as non-visualization of CBD due to abnormal anatomy. Only one patient returned after 6 months with presence of CBD stones, which was successfully managed by repeat ERCP. Conclusion: This showed both procedures could be done simultaneously, which could offer an alternative management in a more economical and patient-friendly way. Key Word(s): 1. ERCP; 2. Lap Chole; 3. CBD; Presenting Author: NAOHISA YOSHIDA Additional Authors: NOBUAKI YAGI, YUTAKA INADA, YUJI NAITO, YOSHITO ITOU Corresponding Author: NAOHISA YOSHIDA Affiliations: Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the difficult cases and complications in colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Methods: We studied 518 cases involving colorectal tumors that were treated by ESD. Patients were divided into 2 groups on the basis of procedure time (the difficult group and non-difficult group). The difficult group was defined as procedures that took more than 120 minutes. The clinical features of the tumors were analyzed. We also examined the perforation and post-operative hemorrhage.