9 km2 and has about 6 km of coastline It was founded in the 12th

9 km2 and has about 6 km of coastline. It was founded in the 12th century and selleckchem remained a small coastal fishery town until the 19th century, when the town was discovered by tourists and seaside holidays at the German Baltic coast became popular. Today, tourism is the major source of income, and Warnemünde belongs to the most important of German seaside resorts. The town provides over 10 000 tourist beds and recorded 313 000 guest arrivals in 2012 and more than 1 000 000 tourist overnight stays (Statistisches Amt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 2012). The annual degree of bed capacity utilisation is only 27.9%, which reflects the dependency on summer bathing tourism and a relatively short season. A solid pier in

Warnemünde protects the entrance of Rostock harbour and causes ongoing accumulation of sand. As a result, the town has Selleck MK-2206 a broad sandy beach about 3 km long, and a growing dune belt protects against storm surges. The beach, which has been awarded the Blue Flag, attracts additional visitors from the city of Rostock (204 000 inhabitants in 2011) as well as day visitors from Northern Germany, especially from Berlin. Consequently, the beach is crowded during the summer season. Located at the entrance of Rostock harbour and Breitling bay, Warnemünde became an important ship-building location during the 20th century, but the industry has faced a serious decline during the last two decades. After German reunification in 1990 and

the resulting political changes in the entire Baltic region, sport-boat and cruise tourism started to grow quickly. In 2012, 181 cruise ships (or 300 000 passengers) visited Warnemünde, making it the most important cruise ship port in Germany. Close to 1 000 sport boats berths are available. Today, fisheries and the small local fish market have only limited economic importance, but are maintained as a cultural heritage and tourist attraction. Parts of the dune belt, the coastal cliffs, Staurosporine datasheet and the coastal forests are under nature protection programs. Neringa municipality is located on

the Curonian (Kuršių) Spit – a narrow peninsula, separating the Curonian (Kuršių) Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. It is the longest (about 50 km) municipality of Lithuania at the border to Russia. Neringa was founded in 1961, when the five settlements Nida, Juodkrante, Preila, Pervalka and Alksnyne were joined into one administrative unit. Neringa is part of Kursiu Nerija National Park, a designated HELCOM Baltic Sea Protected Area and a Natura 2000 site. The area is protected as one of the largest and most complex dune habitats in Europe. Moreover, it is an important migratory bird convergence space and known for rare breeding bird species. Forests cover about 83% of total area, but most are protected and used only for recreational purposes (Statistics Lithuania, 2012a). The shoreline between Nida and Juodkrante is relatively stable. Artificial fore-dunes along the Baltic coast protect coastal villages from destructive sand drift.

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