3%). About half of the patients were associated with a previous history of aspiration pneumonia. The common preoperative nutrition was transnasal nutrition in 155 patients (55.2%), followed by peripheral parenteral nutrition alone and in combination with oral feeding in each 45 (16.0%) and parenteral nutrition in 20 (9.6%). Methods for gastrostomy included an introducer selleck chemicals method in 24 patients and a push method in 257 (bumper-button-type in 221 and bumper-tube-type in 36). Early complications within 30 postoperative
days were noted in 62 patients (22.0%); wound infection in 27 (peritonitis in 7), aspiration pneumonia in 17, and wound bleeding in 8. Early death within 30 postoperative days occurred in 13 patients (4.6%) due to peritonitis (3 patients), aspiration pneumonia (3), underlying diseases (5), and other cases (2). For comparison, the patients were divided into two groups based on a preoperative serum albumin level <3.0 mg/dL (137 patients; A group) or ≥3.0 mg/dL (144; B group). Early postoperative complications were observed in 35 and 27 patients of the A (25.5%) and B groups (18.7%), respectively. This suggests no significant difference but a trend toward more common early postoperative complications for the A group. Early postoperative death occurred in 11 and 2 patients of the A and B groups, respectively, showing a significantly
R788 higher mortality rate for the A group (p < 0. 01). Followed-up were possible for 134 of the patients. The outcomes were survival in 40 patients (29.2%), death in 89 (66.4%), and possible oral feeding resulting in a removal of gastrostomy in 5 (3.7%). The cause of the 89 deaths was primarily underlying diseases (48 patients), followed by aspiration pneumonia (25). The mean survival was 7.5 months. Conclusion: PEG is an invasive procedure where preoperative evaluation of general conditions and nutrition management are important. We
may need to carefully consider whether a patient is indicated for the procedure. Key Word(s): 1. percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Presenting Author: XIU QING WEI Additional Authors: JIN TAO, BIN WU Corresponding Author: XIUQING WEI Affiliations: The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University; Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University Objective: To introduce an uncommon cause medchemexpress of abdominal pain mimicking appendicitis. Methods: The medical course of a rare patient with abdominal pain mimicking appendicitis caused by toothpick perforation of the intestine was presented in brief. Results: We present a case of a 37-year old man who had suffered a sudden right lower abdominal pain for three days. On physical examination, he was afebrile and lower right abdominal tenderness and tender flank on palpation was found. The white blood cell increased dramatically. Acute appendicitis was suspected by ultrasound B examination.