27 Therefore, the results obtained from the present fluorescence

27 Therefore, the results obtained from the present fluorescence studies will also help to check any impurities present in fruit powder of A. bilimbi. Preliminary phytochemical and HPTLC analysis

showed presence of different phytochemical compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, tannins, hydrolysable tannins, bitter principles, essential oils, valepotraites, coumarins, flavonoids and terpenes, which could make the fruits useful for treating different ailments. Thus the preliminary screening tests may be useful in the detection of the bioactive principles and subsequently may lead to the drug discovery and development.25 Quizartinib HPTLC is one of the simplest and modern technique available today, which provides a chromatographic fingerprint and is suitable for confirming the identity and purity of plants and for detecting adulteration and substitution. HPTLC fingerprint profile along with their recorded Rf values, can serve as reference standard for further research on the medicinal properties of the plant. 24 Plant materials are used throughout developed and developing countries as home remedies, over-the-counter drug products and raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry and represent a substantial proportion of the global herbal drug market. Therefore it is essential to ensure reproducible quality of herbal products.

Thus in recent years there has been an emphasis on standardization of medicinal plants of selleck chemicals therapeutic potential. Despite the modern techniques, identification and evaluation of plant drugs

by pharmacognostical studies is still more Resminostat reliable, accurate and inexpensive means. Since A. bilimbi L. fruits are known for its various medicinal properties, the present study could be useful to supplement information with respect to its identification, authentication and standardization. The information generated can also be useful for preparation of monograph of the plant, which could be incorporated in the preparation of Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia. All authors have none to declare. “
“Among the different biological agents, laccases represents an interesting group of oxidative enzymes owing to their great potential for biotechnological and environmental applications.1 Laccases (p-benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductase, EC are multi-copper containing enzymes belonging to the family of enzymes called blue copper proteins, with a copper content varying from two to four atoms per laccase molecule. 2 This enzyme catalysis the oxidation of a broad range of compounds as well as some inorganic ions coupled to the reduction of molecular oxygen to water. 3, 4 and 5 Laccase-mediated system has been applied to numerous processes such as pulp delignification, 6 textile dye decolourization, 4 food industry, 7 development of biosensors and biofuel cells, 8 bioremediation of xenobiotics, 9 synthetic chemistry 10 and cosmetic and dermatological preparations.

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