22 Additionally, grip strength is reported to be a significant predictor of health-related quality of life in breast cancer survivors.34 While 1RM testing may be more sensitive and specific for strength training interventions, the small number of studies performing 1RM Regorafenib chemical structure testing for upper body testing could be attributed
to fear of musculoskeletal injury in a population likely to be naïve to strength training, and concern regarding risk of precipitating lymphoedema. However, guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine published in 2010 advocate that 1RM testing is safe in women with breast cancer, even those with or at higher risk for lymphoedema.35 Only two studies included measurements of mobility. This may be because the TUG test and other mobility tests have been developed for and validated in older adults,25 and thus may not be sufficiently sensitive to capture impairment experienced following
breast cancer treatment. An alternative explanation is that mobility impairments following breast cancer and its treatment have not been widely recognised in the literature, and as a result few studies have measured this. Thus the utility of mobility testing in this population requires further investigation. One limitation of this review is the likely presence of selection bias in the individuals included in the research studies, limiting the generalisability of these results to all women diagnosed with breast cancer. http://www.selleckchem.com/products/3-methyladenine.html also Due to the nature of the outcome measures of interest in this review, many of the studies included were physical activity interventions. While some studies did restrict eligibility to women who were sedentary or not currently exercising
routinely, due to the nature of the intervention, these studies likely recruited a select group who were the most healthy or health-conscious. Other studies specifically limited their study populations to women who experienced functional limitations36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 or women with lymphoedema.8 and 41 In these cases, values below those reported for the average woman diagnosed with breast cancer can be expected. Other studies excluded women with functional problems that may be worsened by exercise, such as shoulder pain. Therefore, we decided to include all relevant papers with the caveat that results from individual studies reported may be more relevant to different subgroups of women diagnosed with breast cancer, and the pooled meta-analysis may not be applicable to all women. As more research becomes available, future work should aim to analyse physical function in these groups of women separately. One strength of this review is the inclusion of objective gold-standard tests of physical function, such as measured VO2peak and 1RM testing for muscular strength.