, 2011). The HGF rests on a variational approximation to ideal hierarchical Bayes, which conveys two major advantages. First, the HGF allows for individualized Bayesian
learning: it contains subject-specific parameters that couple the different levels of the hierarchy and determine the individual learning process. Second, the update equations are analytic and contain reinforcement learning as a special case, with precision-weighted prediction errors (PEs) driving belief updating at the different levels of the hierarchical model (see below). Here, we implemented DNA Damage inhibitor a three-level HGF as described by Mathys et al. (2011) and summarized by Figure 1C, using the HGF Toolbox v2.1 that is available as open source code (http://www.translationalneuromodeling.org/tapas). The first level of this model represents a sequence of environmental states x1 (here: whether a face or house was presented), the second level represents the cue-outcome contingency x2 (i.e., the conditional
probability, in logit space, of the visual target given the auditory cue), and the third level the log-volatility of the environment x3. Each of these hidden states is assumed to evolve as a Gaussian random walk, Selleckchem Ivacaftor such that its variance depends on the state at the next higher level ( Figure 1C): equation(Equation 2) p(x1|x2)=s(x)x1(1−s(x2))1−x1=Bernoulli(x1;s(x2)),p(x1|x2)=s(x)x1(1−s(x2))1−x1=Bernoulli(x1;s(x2)),
equation(Equation 3) p(x2(k)|x2(k−1),x3(k))=N(x2(k);x2(k−1),exp(κx3(k)+ω)), equation(Equation 4) p(x3(k)|x3(k−1),ϑ)=N(x3(k);x3(k−1),ϑ),where s(·) is a sigmoid function. In Equations 2, 3, and 4, ϑ determines the speed of learning Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease about the log-volatility of the environment; κ determines how strongly the second and third levels are coupled and thus how much the estimated environmental volatility affects the learning rate at the second level; and ω is a constant component of the step size at the second level. Finally, the predicted probability of a visual target given the auditory cue (i.e., the posterior mean of x2) is linked to trial-wise predictions of visual stimulus category by means of a softmax function with parameter ζ (encoding decision noise). Our three-level HGF for categorical outcomes thus has four parameters. In our implementation, three of them were free (ϑ, κ, ζ), whereas ω was fixed to −4 in our analyses in order to ensure model identifiability. Importantly, the variational approximation underlying the HGF provides analytic update equations that share a general form: At any level i of the hierarchy, the update of the belief on trial k (i.e., posterior mean μi(k) of the state x i) is proportional to the precision-weighted prediction error (PE) εi(k).