2%.14 In the press statement,4 the IDF stated that the recently published actual prevalence data should be ‘a wakeup call for governments and policy makers to take action on diabetes’. This is true. What is perhaps more questionable is the assertion in the same press release that ‘China has overtaken India and become the global epicenter of the diabetes epidemic’. It seems difficult to reach this conclusion given that the IDF predictions contained within the 2010 4th edition
Atlas seem to be flawed when compared to measured prevalence data in many other countries – perhaps it is more probable that the IDF estimates for India are also too low. Indeed, recent evidence suggests that this www.selleckchem.com/products/icg-001.html is exactly the case with the IDF Atlas predicting a 7.1% prevalence against 16% measured in 1239 subjects.17 In another study in Kerala, Southern India, the prevalence of diabetes in 2009 was shown to
be 14.6% in 1990 adults,18 again over twice the IDF estimate for 2010. In the recent data from China the actual prevalence of diabetes was established at 9.7%.5 Thus it would appear that, in contradistinction to the statement by the IDF, India still leads China as the epicentre of the diabetes pandemic. What does all this show? Firstly, there http://www.selleckchem.com/products/dabrafenib-gsk2118436.html is a strong suggestion that the predictions contained within the 2010 4th edition IDF Atlas should be treated with great caution, as in numerous instances they seem to be significantly below established, Chlormezanone published prevalence. Secondly, it demonstrates that the diabetes pandemic is probably much worse than already thought. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, it confirms the views of the authors of the 2004 paper1 that predictions are prone to errors – possibly multiple. The foreword of the latest IDF Atlas is correct in suggesting that policy makers, and national and international governmental agencies need good evidence-based information upon
which to base their future planning. However, clear shortcomings appear to exist in the present, and probably previous, iteration(s) of the IDF Diabetes Atlas. In light of these, it is perhaps time to revisit existing published evidence of proven diabetes prevalence, and where data are limited to establish the current scale of the diabetes pandemic properly through formal research. In this way there can be no more speculation, and no more nasty surprises. There are no conflicts of interest. “
“The human kidney has a key role in the regulation of blood glucose predominantly by reabsorption of glucose from the glomerular filtrate via sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT-2) channels. These are expressed in the proximal renal tubules and are blocked by SGLT-2 inhibitors, which are novel pharmacological agents currently in development.