, 1993) Two features of brain transglutaminase are noteworthy: (

, 1993). Two features of brain transglutaminase are noteworthy: (1) brain transglutaminase activity increases during development and is linked to neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth; and (2) neuronal cytoskeletal elements are in vitro substrates of tissue-type transglutaminase from guinea pig liver (Miller and Anderton, 1986; Selkoe et al., 1982). The questions of whether

these proteins, particularly tubulin, are indeed physiological substrates of brain transglutaminase, and whether modified tubulin changes cytoskeletal properties, remain to be addressed. Eight independent lines of evidence support the idea that polyamination of neuronal tubulin by transglutaminase contributes to MT stability (see model in Figure S6). First, lowering endogenous polyamine Lenvatinib nmr levels by inhibiting polyamine synthesis significantly decreases neuronal CST levels (Figure 1;

Table S1). The simplest interpretation is that decreasing polyamine levels by DFMO reduces polyamination of tubulin and cold/Ca2+-stable MT levels. Decreased polyamine levels may also regulate cold-insoluble tubulin indirectly by decreasing transglutaminase activity, consistent with studies of transglutaminase activity and polyamine levels in other systems (Melino et al., 1988). Regardless, both mechanisms suggest that polyamination of tubulin plays a role in stabilizing axonal MTs. Second, radioactive polyamines incorporated into protein are delivered into axons with slow axonal transport of MTs (SCa). Radiolabeled polyamines fractionate with stable MTs through biochemical manipulations, migrate in SDS-PAGE with tubulin, and coelute with tubulin-immunoreactive protein www.selleckchem.com/products/nutlin-3a.html in gel filtration chromatography

(Figure 2). Third, transglutaminase modifies purified brain tubulin, polymerized MTs, and taxol-stabilized MTs in vitro by covalent addition of polyamines (Figure 3). Both fluorescent analogs of polyamines (MDC) and physiological polyamines (SPM and SPD) can be linked to tubulin. MTs containing tubulins polyaminated by endogenous brain transglutaminase match endogenous CST in two key respects: they are resistant to cold/Ca2+ treatments that normally Bay 11-7085 depolymerize MTs, and they exhibit increased positive charge (Figures 5 and S2). Although transglutaminase can stabilize substrates through inter- or intramolecular crosslinking (Esposito and Caputo, 2005), and intermolecular crosslinks can be generated in vitro, crosslinked tubulin is almost exclusively soluble (Figure 3D) and does not polymerize (Figure 3F), whereas polyaminated tubulin polymerizes into MTs that are similar to stable MTs in vivo. Little tubulin crosslinking is observed with physiological levels of polyamines. Polyamination of tubulin occurs on either free tubulins or preassembled MTs. Modification of soluble tubulin dimers may enhance polymerization by generating nucleating seeds, and modification of assembled MTs may increase stability. Fourth, both α- and β-tubulins have conserved polyamination sites.

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