MRI was performed on a 4 7 T animal scanner, preradiation treatme

MRI was performed on a 4.7 T animal scanner, preradiation treatment, as well as at 3, 6, 9, and 14 days postradiation. Image features of the tumors, as well as tumor volumes and animal survival, were quantitatively compared. Structural MRI showed that all irradiated tumors still grew in size during the initial days postradiation. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of tumors increased significantly postradiation (40 and 20 Gy), except at day 3 postradiation, compared with

preradiation. The tumor blood flow decreased significantly postradiation (40 and 20 Gy), but the relative blood flow (tumor vs contralateral) did not show a significant change at most time points postradiation. The amide proton transfer weighted (APTw) signals of the tumor decreased significantly at all time points postradiation

selleck kinase inhibitor (40 Gy), and also at day 9 postradiation (20 Gy). The blood flow and APTw maps demonstrated tumor features that were similar to those seen on gadolinium-enhanced FK228 inhibitor T-1-weighted images. Tumor ADC, blood flow, and APTw were all useful imaging biomarkers by which to predict glioma response to radiotherapy. The APTw signal was most promising for early response assessment in this model.”
“For applications to harvest solar energy, it is essential to characterize upconverter materials under broadband excitation at reasonable irradiance levels AZD1480 achievable by concentration of solar radiation. We present a method to determine the absolute upconversion quantum yield (UCQY) under broad-band excitation by photoluminescence measurements. We introduce a spectral mismatch correction that allows calculating the UCQY that can be expected under illumination with the

solar spectrum with a certain solar concentration. Applying these methods to beta-NaYF4 doped with 25%Er3+, we determine an external UCQY of 2.0% in the spectral range from 1450 nm to 1600 nm under a comparatively low solar concentration of only 50 suns. This value corresponds to a potential increase of the short-circuit current density of 3.89 mA/cm(2). Subsequently, we measure the external quantum efficiency due to upconversion of sub-band-gap photons for a bifacial silicon solar cell with upconverter attached to its rear side under the same broad-band excitation. We determine an additional short-circuit current density due to upconversion of 4.03 mA/cm(2) for a solar concentration of only 77 suns. This value agrees very well, with the expected additional short-circuit current density due to upconversion, calculated from the external UCQY values as determined by the photoluminescence measurements, by considering the transmittance of the solar cell for sub-band-gap photons and the external quantum efficiency of the solar cell for photons emitted by the upconverter.

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