, Sarcocystis neurona and Toxoplasma gondii, in mares and pre colostral foals at the parturition. The blood samples were collected from mares immediately after parturition and from new-borns before the ingestion of colostrum, and sera were analyzed for the presence of IgG by ELISA. It was found that 21.5%, 33.7% and 27.6% of mares were seropositive for Neospora spp., S. neurona and T. gondii, respectively; foals had antibodies at a rate of 8.3%, 6.6% and 6.6% for Neospora spp., S. neurona and T. gondii, respectively. Additionally, paired samples from mares and pre-colostral foals revealed an overall negative correlation between the serum reactivity SYN-117 against these three parasites
and suggested that seronegative mares, or those with low to intermediate antibody levels, have a higher risk of giving birth to seropositive foals. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“The relationships between BYL719 PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor grain yields and whole-plant accumulation of micronutrients such as zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) in maize (Zea mays L.) were investigated by studying their reciprocal internal efficiencies (RIEs, g of micronutrient requirement in plant dry matter per Mg of grain). Field experiments were conducted from 2008 to 2011 in North China
to evaluate RIEs and shoot micronutrient accumulation dynamics during different growth stages under different yield and nitrogen (N) levels. Fe, Mn and Cu RIEs (average 64.4, 18.1and 5.3 g, respectively) were less affected by the yield and N levels. ZnRIE increased by 15% with an increased N supply but decreased from 36.3 to 18.0 g with increasing yield. The effect of cultivars on ZnRIE was similar to that of yield ranges. The substantial decrease in ZnRIE may be attributed to an increased Zn harvest index (from 41% to 60%) and decreased Zn concentrations in straw (a 56% decrease) and grain (decreased from 16.9 to 12.2 mg kg(-1)) rather than greater shoot Zn accumulation. Shoot Fe, Mn and Cu accumulation at maturity tended to increase but the proportions
of pre-silking shoot Fe, Cu and Zn accumulation consistently decreased (from 95% to 59%, 90% to 71% and 91% to 66%, respectively). The decrease indicated the high reproductive-stage demands for Fe, Zn and Cu with the increasing yields. Optimized N supply achieved the highest yield Crenolanib and tended to increase grain concentrations of micronutrients compared to no or lower N supply. Excessive N supply did not result in any increases in yield or micronutrient nutrition for shoot or grain. These results indicate that optimized N management may be an economical method of improving micronutrient concentrations in maize grain with higher grain yield.”
“Spinach leaves were used to extract isoforms of NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase (NAD-MDH) (EC, either soluble or bound to microsomal, plasma, or chloroplast envelope membranes.