The presence of mobile ionic liquid ions in the transducer will increase the overall charge transferred when a voltage is applied, and cause the current in the transducer to decay more slowly. The additional mobile ions also cause the ionic concentration profiles to exhibit a nonlinear dynamic response, characterized by nonmonotonic ionic concentration profiles in space and time. Although the Selleck Bucladesine presence of mobile ionic liquid ions increases the overall amount of charge transferred, this additional charge transfer occurs in a somewhat symmetric manner. Therefore, the additional charge transferred due to the ionic liquid ions does not greatly
increase the net bending moment of the transducer; in fact, it is possible that ionic
liquid ion movement actually decreases the observed bending response. This suggests that an optimal electromechanical conversion efficiency for bending actuation is achieved by using an ionic liquid where only a relatively small fraction of the ionic liquid ions exist as free ions. Conversely, if it is desired to increase the overall amount of charge transferred, an ionic liquid with a large fraction of free ions should be used. These theoretical considerations are found to be in good qualitative agreement with recent experimental results. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3524189]“
“Electrospinning is an effective technology for the fabrication of ultrafine fibers, which can be the basic Immunology & Inflammation inhibitor component of a tissue engineering scaffold. In tissue engineering, because cells seeded on fibrous scaffolds with varying fiber diameters and morphologies exhibit ACY-241 price different responses, it is critical to control these characteristics of electrospun fibers. The diameter and morphology of electrospun fibers can be influenced by many processing parameters (e.g., electrospinning voltage, needle inner diameter, solution feeding rate, rotational speed of the fiber-collecting cylinder, and working distance) and solution properties (polymer solution concentration and conductivity). In this study, a factorial design approach was used to systematically investigate the
degree of influence of each of these parameters on fiber diameter, degree of fiber alignment, and their possible synergetic effects, using a natural biodegradable polymer, poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate), for the electrospinning experiments. It was found that the solution concentration invoked the highest main effect on fiber diameter, whereas both rotational speed of the fiber-collecting cylinder and addition of a conductivity-enhancing salt could significantly affect the degree of fiber alignment. By carefully controlling the electrospinning parameters and solution properties, fibrous scaffolds of desired characteristics could be made to meet the requirements of different tissue engineering applications. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.