PTH secretion was significantly increased in response to ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid-induced acute hypocalcemia and to the same extent in both vehicle and ouabain groups. The glands were removed, and inhibition of the ATPase was measured by (86)rubidium uptake, which was found MDV3100 to be significantly decreased in ouabain-treated parathyroid glands, indicating inhibition of the ATPase. As ouabain induced systemic hyperkalemia, the effect of high potassium on hormone secretion was also examined but was found to have no effect. Thus, inhibition of the parathyroid gland sodium/potassium-ATPase
activity in vivo had no effect on the secretory response to acute hypocalcemia. Hence, the suggested importance of this ATPase in the regulation of PTH secretion could not be confirmed in this in vivo model. Kidney International (2011) 79, 742-748; doi: 10.1038/ki.2010.501; published online 5 January 2011″
“When asked to judge the presence or absence of near-threshold tactile stimuli, participants often report touch experiences when no tactile stimulation has been delivered (‘false alarms’). The simultaneous presentation of a light flash during the stimulation period can increase the frequency of touch reports, both when touch is and is not present. Using
fMRI, we investigated the BOLD response during both light-present and light-absent false alarms, testing predictions concerning two Selleck MK-8931 possible neural mechanisms underlying these illusory touch experiences: activation of a tactile representation in primary somatosensory cortex (SI) and/or activation of a tactile representation in late processing areas outside of sensory-specific cortex, such as medial prefrontal cortex (MPC). Our behavioural results showed that participants made false alarms in light-present and light-absent trials, both of which activated regions of the
medial parietal and medial prefrontal cortex including precuneus, posterior Selleck Linsitinib cingulate and paracingulate cortex, suggesting the same underlying mechanism. However, only a non-significant increase in SI activity was measured in response to false alarm vs. correct rejection trials. We argue that our results provide evidence for the role of top-down regions in somatic misperception, consistent with findings from studies in humans and non-human primates. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Ghrelin abnormalities contribute to anorexia, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis patients, leading to worse outcome. However, ghrelin levels are influenced by the nutritional status of the individual. We hypothesized that the consequences of ghrelin alterations in hemodialysis patients are context sensitive and dependent on the presence of protein-energy wasting (PEW).