Potential applications include formulations of the tannins as topical creams, gels, aerosol inhalers, or selleckchem incorporating these compounds in materials, such as wipes, surgical masks, and protective gloves. Conclusions Lorlatinib nmr In conclusion, we have demonstrated that CHLA and PUG have the ability to function as broad-spectrum antivirals in vitro. They effectively prevented infections by viruses utilizing GAG-assisted entry, and included HCMV, HCV, DENV, MV, and RSV. These natural molecules could serve as new therapeutic agents and
help limit infections by viruses for which vaccines or FDA-licensed drugs do not yet exist. Future clinical applications and studies investigating their efficacy in vivo against specific viruses should be explored. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Drs. Andrew C. Issekutz, Charles M. Rice, Karen L. Mossman, and Rodney S. Russell for reagents, and Dr. Michael G. Brown and Ayham Al-Afif for help with virus preparations. LTL was a recipient of the IWK Health Centre Postdoctoral Fellowship and the McCarlie Postdoctoral Award, and was supported
in part by funding from Taipei Medical University (TMU101-AE1-B12) for the completion of this study. CCL was supported in part by a research Vismodegib purchase grant from the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC 98-2313-B-037-003-MY3). CDR was supported by operating grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health (CIHR-MOP-10638 and CIHR-MOP-114949). Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Figure S1: Examination of CHLA and PUG treatment on HCMV cell-to-cell spread. HEL cell monolayers were inoculated and infected with HCMV for 2 h, washed with PBS to remove excess surface bound virus, and covered with an overlay medium to prevent secondary infection. Initial virus plaques were allowed to form in the subsequent infections and CHLA, PUG, Heparin, DMSO control were added to the overlay medium for an additional incubation time before analysis of viral plaque size by immune fluorescence microscopy at 5 days post-infection as described in Methods. Representative virus plaques/foci are shown after three independent
experiments were performed. Scale bar indicates 100 μm. (JPEG 320 KB) Oxymatrine Additional file 2: Figure S2: Examination of CHLA and PUG treatment on HCV cell-to-cell spread. Huh-7.5 cells were electroporated with full-length HCV replicon RNA and covered with an overlay medium to prevent secondary infection. Initial virus plaques were allowed to form in the subsequent infections and CHLA, PUG, Heparin, and DMSO control were added to the overlay medium for an additional incubation time before analysis of viral plaque size by immune fluorescence microscopy at 7 days post-electroporation as described in Methods. Representative virus plaques/foci are shown after three independent experiments were performed. Scale bar indicates 100 μm.