The number of such antioxidants exceeds that of

The number of such antioxidants exceeds that of AC220 research buy antioxidant vitamins. The availability of these unidentified antioxidants

in individual diet could thus affect the correlation between levels of 8-oxodG and antioxidant vitamins. Some dietary components also could up-regulate DNA repair without having any recognised antioxidant function. Interestingly, a positive association was observed in our study between the levels of 8-oxodG and those of the two vitamins, but only in the cases and not in the controls. However, this observation should be interpreted with caution, in the light of the foregoing discussion. Moreover, to arrive at a more convincing conclusion, our data would have to be expanded and adjusted for possible confounders such as age which can become the predominant, independent determinant of oxidative damage as has been discussed recently [43]. In view of the conflicting reports in the literature and the results of the present study, the

“”antioxidant hypothesis”" seems open to criticism. Is there indeed a relationship between antioxidant selleck inhibitor vitamins and oxidatively-damaged DNA? Secondly, are the concentrations of antioxidants and 8-oxodG in the blood representative measures of the situation FHPI cell line in the target tissue of the carcinogenesis and a true reflection of overall cellular DNA damage? Thirdly, do we have reliable tools to examine this correlation? The choice and reliability of biomarkers such as 8-oxodG has also been debated [28, 30, 46]. The reliability of 8-oxodG is influenced by its method of detection since its artefactual production is a serious concern. Notably, the values of 8-oxodG reported in this study are low and reach the background level of 8-oxodG recommended by ESCODD for HPLC-ED measurement, indicating

that these were not an artefact. It is known that individuals have different responses to oxidative damage and that the risk for oxidative stress-related cancer varies according to both, the environmental exposure and the genetic background. The human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase1 (hOGG1) is one of the major enzymes involved in DNA base excision repair (BER). Tolmetin A positive relationship between hOGG1 mRNA expression and 8-oxodG suggests that the expression level of hOGG1 may be interpreted as a biomarker of exposure to oxidative DNA damage [47, 48]. On the other hand, some studies indicated that there was no interaction between these parameters [12, 49, 50], which could be explained by the fact that hOGG1 is weakly expressed in certain tissues such as the aerodigestive tract tissue [51]. The activity of hOGG1 can be impaired by a polymorphic mutation at codon 326, the hOGG1 Ser 326 Cys polymorphism. However, the phenotypic impact of hOGG1 Ser 326 Cys polymorphism is unclear.

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