Specimens examined: Austria, Kärnten, Völkermarkt, Eisenkappel, a

Specimens examined: Austria, Kärnten, Völkermarkt, Eisenkappel, at roadside, 1–2 km from the village, heading to Seebergsattel, MTB 9553/3, 46°26′16″ N 14°33′40″ E, elev. 780 m, on the hymenium of Fomitopsis pinicola/Picea abies, soc. Ophiostoma polyporicola, 31 Oct. 2005, H. Voglmayr

& W. Jaklitsch, W.J. 2882 (WU 29414, culture CBS 121274 = C.P.K. 2430). Niederösterreich, Lilienfeld, Sankt Aegyd am Neuwalde, Lahnsattel, virgin forest Neuwald, MTB 8259/1, 47°46′32″ N 15°31′25″ E, elev. 980 m, on the hymenium of a basidiome of Fomitopsis pinicola lying on the ground, soc. Melanospora sp., Ophiostoma polyporicola, 27 Sep. 2006, H. Voglmayr, W.J. 2990 (WU 29416, culture C.P.K. 2476). Mödling, Wienerwald, Kaltenleutgeben, BTSA1 in vivo between Am Brand and Cilengitide Stangau, MTB 7862/4, 48°06′41″ N, 16°08′26″ E, elev. 500 m, on a basidiome of Fomitopsis pinicola on a log of Fagus sylvatica, soc. Hypocrea pulvinata, 5 Oct. 2008, W. Jaklitsch & O. Sükösd, W.J. 3221 (WU 29418). Steiermark, Bruck/Mur, Gußwerk, Rotmoos bei Weichselboden, forest edge, MTB 8356/2, 47°40′58″ N 15°09′26″ E, elev. 690 m, on Fomitopsis pinicola on corticated log of Alnus incana lying on the ground, 12 cm thick, soc. Ophiostoma polyporicola, 27 Sep. 2006, H. Voglmayr, W.J. 2993 (WU 29417, culture CBS 121270 = C.P.K. 2478). Tirol, Innsbruck-Land, learn more Zirl, Zirler Alnetum (south of the river Inn), MTB 8733/1, 47°16′22″ N 11°13′50″ E, elev. 600 m,

on hymenium and upper side of Fomitopsis pinicola Acetophenone fallen from standing trunk of Alnus incana to the ground, also on bark, soc. H. pulvinata, 2 Sep. 2003, W. Jaklitsch, W.J. 2359 (WU 29425). Czech Republic, Southern Bohemia, Žofín,

Žofínský prales, MTB 7354/1, on a basidiome of Fomitopsis pinicola, soc. Ophiostoma polyporicola, 27 Sep. 2008, A. Urban, W.J. 3223 (WU 29419). Spain, Asturias, Puerto de Pajares, Hayedo de Valgrande, 43º 00′ 04″ N 5º 46′ 41″ W, elev. 1000 m, on Fomitopsis pinicola/Fagus sylvatica; 14 Aug. 2009 (ERD-4884). Switzerland, Bern, Büetigen, on Fomitopsis pinicola, soc. various hyphomycetes, overmature, 13 Oct. 2005, W. Gams (WU 29415, culture C.P.K. 2434). Notes: This species, originally described from Japan (Doi 1972), occurs also in North America, but was apparently unknown in Europe until recently. It often occurs together with H. pulvinata on the same basidiome, both species residing on the hymenium, while H. pulvinata frequently also grows on the upper side. Both species are often accompanied by Ophiostoma polyporicola, sometimes by Melanospora cf. lagenaria. Morphological differences permit easy distinction from H. pulvinata. Examination of the surface of fresh stromata, ideally before ascospore ejection, in the stereo-microscope is usually sufficient: H. pulvinata has minute ostioles surrounded by a ring-like, diffusely greenish yellow to orange-brown coloured stroma surface, followed by white mycelium, while H.

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