One of the limitations of the study was that

only 70% of

One of the limitations of the study was that

only 70% of the families were willing to attend the 14-month follow-up visit. Furthermore, only 78% of the pQCT measurements at 14 months were successful, which resulted in problems with the sample size in data analysis. A sample size of 35 per group would have been required in order OICR-9429 chemical structure to reach sufficient statistical power. Only total bone parameters were measured with pQCT from the 20% site of tibia. This site contains both cortical and trabecular bone, but we did not quantify those separately because the cortical thickness is relatively small compared to voxel size and partial volume effect obscured the results. However, the strength of this study was a prospective study design with antenatal vitamin D status. It can be concluded that postnatal vitamin D supplementation improved vitamin D check details status in infants and partly eliminated the differences in bone variables that had resulted from maternal vitamin D status during the fetal period. The difference remained in total bone CSA, while it disappeared in BMC. GSK-3 inhibitor It seems unlikely, therefore, that improving vitamin D intake merely in infancy would revert the consequences of poor vitamin D status during the fetal period. Based on these observations, additional efforts should be made to improve vitamin D status during pregnancy. Acknowledgements The authors (indicated by their

initials) contributed to the study as follows: HTV was involved in the planning of this study, and was responsible for organizing the study visits, data collection, measurement of bone mineral densities, laboratory measurements,

statistical analyses and writing the manuscript. TK participated in study visits and was responsible for data collection, data coding and analysis of pQCT scans. TH and EKAL participated in the planning of this study and review of Methane monooxygenase the manuscript. SA, OM and CLA were likewise involved in planning this study, helped in securing financial support for this work and reviewed the manuscript. Conflicts of interest None. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. References 1. Cooper C, Fall C, Egger P, Hobbs R, Eastell R, Barker D (1997) Growth in infancy and bone mass in later life. Ann Rheum Dis 56:17–21CrossRefPubMed 2. Yarbrough DE, Barrett-Connor E, Morton DJ (2000) Birth weight as a predictor of adult bone mass in postmenopausal women: the Rancho Bernardo Study. Osteoporos Int 11:626–630CrossRefPubMed 3. Cooper C, Eriksson JG, Forsén T, Osmond C, Tuomilehto J, Barker DJ (2001) Maternal height, childhood growth and risk of hip fracture in later life: a longitudinal study. Osteoporos Int 12:623–629CrossRefPubMed 4.

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