32 GU301870 GU296195 GU371745 GU349029 Salsuginea ramicola KT 2597.1 GU479800 GU479767 GU479833 GU479861 Salsuginea ramicola KT 2597.2 GU479801 GU479768 GU479834 GU479862 Setomelanomma holmii CBS 110217 GU301871 GU296196 GU371800 RG7112 mouse GU349028
AZD1390 price Setosphaeria monoceras AY016368 AY016368 Massaria platani CBS 221.37 DQ678065 DQ678013 DQ677961 DQ677908 Sporormiella minima CBS 524.50 DQ678056 DQ678003 DQ677950 DQ677897 Stagonospora macropycnidia CBS 114202 GU301873 GU296198 GU349026 Tetraploa aristata CBS 996.70 AB524627 AB524486 AB524836 Tetraplosphaeria nagasakiensis MAFF 239678 AB524630 AB524489 AB524837 Lophiostoma macrostomoides GKM1033 GU385190 GU327776 Lophiostoma macrostomoides GKM1159 GU385185 GU327778 Thyridaria rubronotata CBS 419.85 GU301875 GU371728 GU349002 Tingoldiago graminicola KH 68 AB521743 AB521726 Trematosphaeria pertusa CBS 122368 FJ201990 FJ201991 FJ795476 GU456276 Trematosphaeria pertusa CBS 122371 GU301876 GU348999 GU371801 Cilengitide cost GU349085 Trematosphaeria pertusa SMH 1448 GU385213 Triplosphaeria
cylindrica MAFF 239679 AB524634 AB524493 Triplosphaeria maxima MAFF 239682 AB524637 AB524496 Triplosphaeria yezoensis CBS 125436 AB524638 AB524497 AB524844 Dapagliflozin Ulospora bilgramii CBS 110020 DQ678076 DQ678025 DQ677974 DQ677921 Verruculina enalia BCC 18401 GU479802 GU479770 GU479835 GU479863 Verruculina enalia BCC 18402 GU479803 GU479771 GU479836 GU479864 Westerdykella cylindrica CBS 454.72 AY004343 AY016355 DQ470925 DQ497610 Westerdykella dispersa CBS 508.75 DQ468050 U42488
Westerdykella ornata CBS 379.55 GU301880 GU296208 GU371803 GU349021 Wicklowia aquatica AF289-1 GU045446 Wicklowia aquatica CBS 125634 GU045445 GU266232 Xenolophium applanatum CBS 123123 GU456329 GU456312 GU456354 GU456269 Xenolophium applanatum CBS 123127 GU456330 GU456313 GU456355 GU456270 Zopfia rhizophila CBS 207.26 DQ384104 L76622 1 BCC Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms; CABI International Mycological Institute, CABI-Bioscience, Egham, Bakeham Lane, U.K.; CBS Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands; DAOM Plant Research Institute, Department of Agriculture (Mycology), Ottawa, Canada; DUKE Duke University Herbarium, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.