For this analysis only Cy3 data were used Of 6913 genes represen

For this analysis only Cy3 data were used. Of 6913 genes represented on the G. lamblia microarray, 5454 and 6189 transcripts, respectively, were detected in trophozoites. These numbers include

fluorescence values exceeding a threshold of 10,000 fluorescent units. This limit was set based on background fluorescence emitted by empty microarray positions, which averaged 1713 Cy3 fluorescence units (n = 4650). In contrast, only 215 transcripts Daporinad chemical structure were detected in cysts, equivalent to 3% of 6913 genes. Although each of the 2 trophozoite and 6 cyst datasets originated from different microarrays, the data are comparable because each microarray was hybridized with a standardized amount of cDNA probe synthesized from the same amount total RNA. The selleck inhibitor error bars in Figure 1 clearly show that the differences between cysts and trophozoites exceed the variability among biological replicates. This analysis thus demonstrates that for equal amount of total RNA trophozoites synthesize more mRNA and that the mRNA transcriptome is more diverse than in cysts. Figure 1 Comparison of cyst and trophozoite transcriptome. Cy3

fluorescence from two replicate trophozoite microarray hybridizations and mean fluorescence from six cyst microarrays are ranked in order of decreasing fluorescence intensity. Illustrating the difference in mRNA abundance between life cycle stages 5454 and 6198 trophozoite genes, respectively,

exceeded 10,000 fluorescence units, but only 215 SPTLC1 cyst genes were above this threshold. Because fluorescence values are ranked, vertically aligned data point do not necessarily originate from the same gene. Error bars show standard deviation for the six cyst replicates. Tropohozoite datapoints are means of two replicate spots. All replicates are biologically independent. Both variables are plotted on a log scale. Trophozoites (isolate GS) and cysts (isolate H3) of assemblage B were used in this comparison. Although the cyst and trophozoite transcriptome compared in these experiments both belonged to assemblage B, we investigated whether sequence polymorphism between the assemblage A sequence on which the G. lamblia microarray is based and assemblage B probe could reduce hybridization. Using the same single-color experimental design, we compared fluorescence values for microarrays hybridized with cDNA from assemblage A and B trophozoites (Additional file 1). Means of Cy3 fluorescence over all G. lamblia spots on the array for the assemblage B probe was 3.0 × 105, 2.2 × 105, and 2.9 × 105 fluorescence units, whereas for assemblage A probe mean fluorescence of 0.9 × 105, 1.5 × 105 and 3.2 × 105 were obtained. Thus, the fact that probe and array are derived from different assemblages does not influence the results. These results are consistent with the interpretation of Figure 1.

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