Depositing specific materials onto porous templates creates order

Depositing specific materials onto porous templates creates ordered or disordered structures with suitable dimensions and periodicity and inverse replicas of the pores, thus allowing the expansion of these materials’ possible application. Porous silicon was discovered by Uhlir (in 1956) and was intensively investigated because of its excellent mechanical and thermal properties [5], its obvious compatibility with silicon-based microelectronics, selleckchem and its low-cost fabrication [6]. It was found to be a very promising and attractive candidate

for use as a template because it can be fabricated with high precision and uniformity on a large scale. The porosity and average pore size and depth can be tuned by adjusting the electrochemical preparation techniques [7–10]. Depositing specific materials, such as polymers and nonlinear materials, into porous templates allows new structures to be tailored

[11]. Organic materials such as polymers are favored in many applications because many of these are optically transparent, biocompatible, and/or biodegradable. In addition, polymer devices are inexpensive and disposable. The air holes of porous silicon structures can be infiltrated with these advantageous polymers. Nanocrystalline materials are generally defined as crystalline solids with grain sizes below 100 nm. The study and synthesis of nanocrystalline materials have been major research selleck interests in recent years due to expectations of finding new or improved optical, electronic, and structural properties related to the nanoscale of materials [12]. The Pechini method is an alternative to the conventional sol–gel method for synthesizing nanocrystals. This chemical route is highly feasible and offers several advantages over conventional techniques, such as lower temperature requirements, lower cost, and greater simplicity [13]. One goal of our research is to make erbium-doped materials that emit light. As a host for erbium, the cubic RE2O3 (rare Lepirudin earths) are known as excellent optical materials

because of their optimal thermal and spectroscopic properties [14]. Efficiency in erbium emissions can be improved by co-doping with ytterbium, thus assuring a high absorption at 980 nm, where high-power diode lasers are commercially available. This class of composite materials has already been reported for planar optical amplifiers [15]. Furthermore, the Er-Yb couple is well known for its up-conversion mechanisms, converting infrared (IR) light o visible light [16]. The green and red emissions achieved by excitation in IR light or higher energies in erbium samples open up the possibility of using these composites as up-converters or down-converters for both solar cell and lighting applications. In the present work, we describe a new template-based method for fabricating polymeric micro- and nanostructures.

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