The present work makes use of
the fast Fourier transform-impedance spectroscopy (FFT-IS) to characterize the growth process of Co nanowires directly at the metal electrolyte interface deep in the pore under specific deposition conditions. The obtained results are then correlated to the results of the structural and magnetic investigation of the Co nanowires/InP membrane composite. Methods The templates for the growth of Co nanowires are porous InP membranes. These membranes are fabricated in an electrochemical multistep process. The porous InP membranes are fabricated from single-crystalline InP wafers LBH589 ic50 sulfur-doped at a doping concentration of 1.1·1017 cm−3 and a resistivity of 0.019 Ωcm. The surface of the InP wafers is double-side polished and epi-ready. The wafer thickness is 400 ± 10 μm, and the sample size is A = 0.25 cm2. All electrochemical process steps are carried out in electrochemical double cell as described elsewhere [19]. The first step in the membrane formation is the electrochemical etching of the current-line-oriented pore (curro-pore) array. This is done in an aqueous 6 wt% HCl electrolyte at 20°C. To ensure a homogenous nucleation of the curro-pores, a voltage pulse of 17 V for 1 s is
applied that is followed by a constant anodic potential of 10 V for 36 min for the growth of the curro-pores. In the second step, the membrane is formed. This is done in a combined photoelectrochemical and photochemical
Progesterone process. At first, a layer consisting of crystallographically-oriented Selleck Fluorouracil pores (crysto-pores) is grown in the bulk wafer back side that is subsequently dissolved photochemically. The etching is carried out in the same electrochemical cell in a 6 wt% aqueous HCl electrolyte at 20°C. More details on the fabrication process are given elsewhere [20]. In the third step, the membrane structure is post-etched in an HF/HNO3/EtOH/HAc (3:8:15:24) electrolyte at 20°C under a bias potential of −0.8 V for 48 h to obtain an overlapping of the space charge region (SCR) around each pore with SCRs around neighboring pores and therefore semi-insulating properties. Besides this effect, the post-etching also results in perfectly rectangular pores with pore walls exhibiting an equal thickness. The final step of the template fabrication is the electric passivation of the pore walls by an 8-nm-thick layer of Al2O3 deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) to avoid unfavorable current flow through the pore walls during galvanic deposition. This is done in 80 cycles of trimethylaluminum (TMA) and H2O with extended diffusion time at 300°C in a Picosun Sunale R200 ALD tool (Espoo, Finland). Prior to the galvanic Co deposition, a Au layer with a thickness of about 400 nm is deposited on the InP membrane back side serving as a plating base ensuring a complete coverage of the membrane back side.