J Strength Cond Res 2011, 25:S112. Competing interests The study was funded NVP-BGJ398 supplier by Dymatize Inc. The authors do not have any competing interests. Authors’ contribution JO, CW, AS, and SH prepared the manuscript. SH, SU, and JO performed data collection. SH and AS performed statistical
analysis. CW was the primary investigator and CF provided administrative oversight. LM assisted with manuscript editing and revisions. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background The 3 key factors of athletic performance enhancement are training, nutrition, and rest [1]. Of these, the diet chosen by an athlete will affect his performance on and off the track through its effects on both fitness and health [2]. Therefore, many athletes have used dietary supplements to increase their exercise capacities [3–5]. However, many of these dietary supplements have added artificial chemical and overdoses have caused many side effects [6, 7]. As a result, many researchers have been investigating natural ergogenic foods that do not cause any side effects. Silk peptide (SP) has been ingested for many years in Asian countries [8]. SP comprises biopolymers from the cocoons produced by silkworms for Ku-0059436 in vivo protection from the environment during metamorphosis
to the mature moth stage [8]. SP is a natural biomolecule used in powder and extract forms in diverse pharmacological capacities as well as in biomedical and biotechnological fields [9–11]. Recently, studies have reported the benefits of SP treatment on endurance exercise in rodent models [12, 13]. Shin et al. [12] demonstrated that in mice, SP improved physical stamina in a dose-dependent manner during a maximum swimming exercise. The authors also reported that SP exhibited stamina-enhancing and
anti-fatigue activities in mice during forced swimming Idoxuridine by preventing tissue (liver and muscle) injuries and glycogen-sparing effects [13]. Moreover, SP was found to reduce blood circulation to injured muscles and liver tissues while increasing the numbers of red blood cells [14]. However, to our knowledge, the effects of SP treatment on energy metabolism alterations during exercise and max improvements have not been examined. We previously reported that SP treatment could increase resting fat oxidation in exercised mice [15]. Therefore, we hypothesized that SP treatment could also improve the exercise performance along with increasing the fat oxidation during exercise. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of SP treatment on endurance exercise performance and energy metabolism during running exercise, using a respiratory open-circuit system for rodents. Methods Animals and protocol Seven-week-old male ICR mice (n = 36) were used. The mice were purchased from Orient Bio, Inc. (Seongnam, Korea).