Recent phylogenetic

reconstructions support the hypothesi

Recent phylogenetic

reconstructions support the hypothesis that the ancestral mammalian placenta was in fact discoid, hemochorial with labyrinthine interdigitation.33 This is opposed to the previously held view that this type of placenta is very highly evolved and that the ancestral placenta was more limited in its invasiveness and contact with maternal tissue. Furthermore, this phylogenetic evidence indicates that placental structures have evolved independently in different species. Thus, it would be of great interest to investigate placental IDO expression in species with different placentation, and it is a target within our laboratory to study IDO in the normal sheep placenta and pregnant uterine tissue. However,

given our current knowledge of immune control of C. abortus and the importance of IFN-γ-inducible IDO, if the ovine placenta is found to constitutively express learn more IDO, it is paradoxical for the pathogenesis of OEA. Even with the current unknowns regarding IDO expression in the ovine placenta, we know that C. abortus infects and multiplies in both human and mouse placenta and causes abortion in these hosts where placental IDO has been described.34 Exactly how C. abortus is able to access tryptophan, multiply and cause disease in an organ that is theoretically hostile to its growth is unknown. It has been noted that the foetus needs to derive tryptophan from its mother, and hence although IDO expression has been linked to immune tolerance, there are physiological questions regarding its expression this website and its role in preventing abortion.35 It is possible that the specialized nutrient Sclareol transport and sequestration mechanisms of trophoblast cells hold the key to answer both of these questions. The TH1/TH2 paradigm

first applied to mammalian pregnancy in 1993 by Thomas Wegmann36 who postulated that pregnancy is a TH2-dominated phenomenon. This was moving forward from Medawar’s original hypothesis of maternal immune suppression and led to a new paradigm, namely that a dominating maternal TH1-type response (typified by IFN-γ production) is incompatible with successful pregnancy.37 This paradigm itself has been revised more recently with the conclusion that while certain elements remain valid, it is over-simplified in light of new knowledge on innate immunity and T-cell subsets.38,39 Nevertheless, the concept that maternal IFN-γ production is down-regulated during normal pregnancy could help explain the pathogenesis of OEA. Persistence of C. abortus can be induced by IFN-γ, and the placentitis that leads to OEA only occurs from mid-gestation onwards, hence it has been postulated that a reduction in maternal IFN-γ production could permit recrudescence of a persistent, sub-clinical C. abortus infection in pregnant sheep and result in OEA.

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