2 Properly conducted randomization balances the distribution of b

2 Properly conducted randomization balances the distribution of both known and unknown factors that may influence outcomes equally between the trial arms. This means that the only remaining difference among participants in the trial arms should be the intervention. However, it should be noted that because of chance, successful randomization does not necessarily guarantee a complete balance in participant characteristics

or risk factors.3 As such, adjusted methods of randomization can be employed to help achieve this balance. Such methods Rapamycin order include permuted block randomization and stratified block

randomization that are particularly ideal for ‘small’ studies. When reading a trial report, it is critical to assess the randomization process used and determine whether it was successful or not (Table 1). The article you identified from your literature search provides a clear description of the randomization process in the methods section. Randomization was performed learn more in blocks assuring a 1:1 ratio between treatment groups within strata defined by a range of parameters. In addition, a table outlining the baseline characteristics of the study population according to treatment allocation is provided.1 It tells you that a total of 2103 patients were randomized into one of two groups, the active treatment

group received sevelamer (n = 1053) and the control group received calcium-based phosphate binders (n = 1050) and that there are no important differences in baseline characteristics that could affect how participants respond to treatment between these two groups. It therefore appears that successful randomization was achieved. If there had been differences in the baseline characteristics of the treatment groups, the potential PAK5 effect of these differences would have had to be considered when interpreting the results, and the randomization methods carefully scrutinized. For example, in the appropriate blood pressure control in diabetes trial, differences in baseline characteristics across treatment groups were present, and the trial results were discrepant from other trials evaluating similar interventions.4 Question: Was randomization adequately concealed? As the term suggests, allocation concealment is used to mask the treatment allocation of participants from investigators and participants before their participation in the study.

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