CD122 was expressed at only marginal levels by both induced and n

CD122 was expressed at only marginal levels by both induced and natural CD8+Foxp3+ T cells (Fig. 4C), consistent with the finding that CD8+CD122+ Tregs lack Foxp3 expression 8. In contrast, all T-cell populations were predominantly CD28+ (Fig. 4C). IL-6 was recently suggested to positively regulate the expansion of CD8+Foxp3+

T cells in vitro and in vivo 17. We, therefore, compared IL-6Rα (CD126) expression among the different subsets to judge their potential sensitivity towards IL-6. Interestingly, CD126 expression was absent from both induced CD8+Foxp3+ and CD8+Foxp3− T-cell populations, whereas CD126 3 MA expression was noted on all T-cell populations ex vivo (Fig. 4C). Notably, naturally occurring CD8+Foxp3+ T cells expressed a CD8-αβ heterodimer, TCR-αβ, CD3-ε (data not shown) and partially CD4 (Supporting Information Fig. 4); the latter consistent

with previous reports 2, 25. In summary, CD8+Foxp3+ T cells express classical CD4+Foxp3+ Treg markers in a pattern distinct from activated CD8+Foxp3− T cells and previously described CD8+ Tregs. Since Foxp3 is expressed by certain effector T-cell populations in humans 26 and IFN-γ is an important effector molecule of CD8+ T cells, we next asked whether CD8+Foxp3+ and CD8+Foxp3− T-cell populations differ in IFN-γ expression. CD8+Foxp3+ and CD8+Foxp3− T cells were generated from Rag1−/−×OTI click here mice. Additionally, WT splenocytes were obtained and all populations were restimulated with PMA/ionomycin. Importantly, the majority (75.8%) of activated CD8+Foxp3− T cells produced IFN-γ, whereas almost no IFN-γ production (5.5%) was observed in induced CD8+Foxp3+ cells (Fig. 5A),

consistent with a previous study 27. Similarly, fewer CD8+Foxp3+ T cells produced IFN-γ in comparison to their Foxp3− counterpart ex vivo (Fig. 5A). IFN-γ production Farnesyltransferase by CD8+ T cells activated under Foxp3-inducing conditions could be partially restored when Foxp3 was mutated (Supporting Information Fig. 3D), yet Foxp3-independent mechanisms also seem to be involved in the repression of IFN-γ. Since suppressive function is a hallmark of Tregs, we finally tested induced CD8+Foxp3+ T cells in in vitro suppression assays. Suppressive activity was compared with activated CD8+Foxp3− T cells, CD4+Foxp3+ nTregs and induced CD4+Foxp3+ Tregs, all isolated based on eGFP reporter expression. Interestingly, not only CD8+GFP+ T cells but also activated CD8+GFP− T cells showed a mild suppressive effect on CD4+ (Fig. 5B) and CD8+ (Supporting Information Fig. 5) T-cell proliferation and on IFN-γ production by CD8+ T cells (Fig. 5C), which was however inferior to that of CD4+GFP+ natural and induced Tregs (Fig. 5B and C). In conclusion, CD8+Foxp3+ T cells are actively restricted in pool size and not enriched in suppressive function, although they share certain developmental and phenotypic characteristics with CD4+Foxp3+ Tregs.

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