9% for Group A, 34.1 ± 4.2% for Group B, and 51.3 ± 3.3% for Group C at 12 weeks. There was no statistical difference between Groups A and C, but Group A was statistically greater when compared to B, and when Group C was Venetoclax molecular weight compared to B. In conclusion, acellular nerve allograft demonstrated equal functional recovery when compared to reversed autograft (control), and superior recovery compared to the cabled nerve autograft. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 33:460–467, 2013. “
January 2000 to May 2008, 50 patients with facial contour deformities underwent soft tissue augmentation with 51 anterolateral thigh (ALT) adipofascial flaps. Fifty flaps survived with no complications; partial fat necrosis occurred in one flap. Mean follow-up was 16 months. Flaps ranged from 10 × 6 cm to 20 × 12 cm. Perforators were found in 50 flaps, 43 musculocutaneous perforators (84.3%) and 7 septocutaneous perforators (13.7%), with a mean of 2.5 perforators per flap. In one flap (2.0%), no perforator was found. In this case, we used an anteromedial thigh adipofascial flap using the medial
branch of the descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery as the vascular pedicle. Relatively symmetric facial contour was achieved in 20 cases. In 30 cases, adjunctive procedures including flap debulking, fat injection, and resuspension were necessary, and 23 patients achieved satisfactory outcomes. We conclude that the ALT adipofascial flap can be successfully elevated and transplanted for the correction of soft tissue facial defects. This flap can provide tissue to Astemizole fill large defects, and posses https://www.selleckchem.com/products/iwr-1-endo.html the qualities of pliability, an excellent blood supply, ease of suspension and fixation, and minimal morbidity at the donor site. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Microsurgery 30:368–375, 2010.
“The purpose of this study was to examine the current role of the iliac crest osteocutaneous flap in mandibular reconstruction, with a focus on the reliability of its skin island. We reviewed outcomes in 18 cases of immediate mandibular reconstruction with the iliac crest flap. Intraoral mucosal defects were closed with the skin island of the iliac crest flap in 13 patients (iliac crest flap group) and were closed with another free flap, because of poor circulation of the iliac crest skin island, in five patients (double-flap group). Postoperative results were poor in the iliac crest flap group. The rate of partial or total loss of the skin island was 46.2% in the iliac crest flap group and 20.0% in the double-flap group. The presence of a dominant perforator did not reduce the overall rate of recipient-site complications or reoperation. Combined use of another skin flap for intraoral lining provided better results. These results suggest that the skin island of the iliac crest flap should not be used for intraoral lining, unless adequate circulation of the skin island can be confirmed.