Southern blotting analysis demonstrated that 20 strains showed a two-copy arrangement of the capb locus (45-kb), two strains showed three copies (63-kb), and the other two showed four copies (81-kb) (Fig. 1). The incidence of multiple-copy strains (>two copies) among examined strains was 16.7% (4/24). learn more All of the strains with the dominant PFGE pattern (A1) possessed two copies, while one with the closely-related A2 subtype harbored four copies. The other three strains with multiple copies showed minor PFGE patterns (B, G or I). All the patients infected by strains with multiple
copies were treated successfully without neurological or physical sequelae. Amplified capb sequences were detected more frequently among strains from children with true vaccine failure Staurosporine chemical structure than among those from unvaccinated children (24% vs. 10%) in the United Kingdom (8). Furthermore, the proportion of strains with multiple copies of the capb locus increased over time in Italy (9). Amplification of the capb locus is associated with decreased susceptibility to complement-mediated lysis and decreased complement-mediated opsonization (11). Thus, amplification of the capb locus may result in the overcoming of host defenses and contribute to vaccine failure. We have found that Hib strains with multiple (three or four) copies of the capb locus were present in Japan before the introduction of the Hib conjugate vaccine.
The incidence of 16.7% (4/24) of multiple-copy strains found in our study is slightly higher than that found in the UK between 1991 and 1992 before routine immunization was introduced (10.1%, 9/89) (8). In our study, most of the multiple-copy strains showed rare PFGE patterns. Thus these strains might be selected and involved in vaccine failure after the introduction of Hib conjugate vaccination in Japan. Sequence typing of the capb locus is based on the considerable sequence divergence in the hcsA and hcsB genes, which are involved in the transport of capsular polysaccharides across the outer membrane (18). Schouls et al. have reported that type
II strains display less expression of capsular polysaccharide than do type I, and were isolated only during the pre-vaccination era in the Netherlands (12). The greater polysaccharide expression may have provided before a selective advantage for type I strains, resulting in the rapid elimination of type II. In addition, there have been remarkable differences in the geographic distribution of type I and type II; with a higher incidence in the United States (73%) than the Netherlands (5%) of type II among Hib strains isolated from patients (12). While we did not find type II strains in this study, more Hib strains should be evaluated to clarify the exact incidence. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate capb locus copy number in invasive Hib strains isolated in Japan.