The exact composition of tolerosomes is not known, but it is thought that they may contain other co-stimulatory molecules, which may induce tolerance to the MHC-associated peptide (42). The discovery of tolerosomes is relatively recent, having occurred less than 10 years ago. It has been known since 1983 that, in order for oral tolerance to develop, an intact portal circulation
is needed, and that oral tolerance is transferrable through serum. These cell fragments, the so-called tolerosomes, first discovered by electron microscopy in 2001, were found in the insoluble fraction produced by ultracentrifugation from the serum of animals which had been subjected to induction of oral tolerance. The soluble fraction, serum without tolerosomes, was no longer able to mediate the transfer of oral tolerance (41). This proved that intercellular communication occurs through exosomes
during development X-396 supplier of oral tolerance. The fate of tolerosomes after their production has not yet MDX-1106 been fully elucidated. It is supposed that they bind to local or distant antigen presenting cells (43, 44), conveying the necessary information for mounting tolerance to food antigens. In any case, the fact that the portal circulation is involved in this process has lead to the speculation that tolerosomes can be directed to the liver, another recognized tolerogenic site (45, 46). Oral tolerance
has been exploited for therapeutic purposes to inhibit all forms of unwanted immune responses, from the secretion of different antibody classes, to type IV hypersensitivity reactions. It is to be noted that Th1-type responses are much easier to inhibit than Th2 responses. In order to suppress a Th2 immune response, it is necessary to administer greater antigen quantities, or to increase the frequency of administration (47). An exception to this rule is that of IgE-mediated Th2 immune responses associated with increased production of IL-4, such as allergies, Cediranib (AZD2171) which respond very well to oral tolerization schemes (48). The idea of using SEA in order to augment oral tolerance to different peptides arose from epidemiologic studies (49). Staphylococcus aureus is now a common commensal in the gut in the occidental population (50, 51). It has been demonstrated that Western infants with a greater degree of colonization with SEA-producing S. aureus strains are protected against food allergy (52, 53). Toxigenic S. aureus residing in the gut induce greater concentrations of IgA in children’s serum and protect from eczema (54). Animal models of allergic diseases suggest that neonatal oral administration of SEA followed by feeding the sensitizing protein OVA in adulthood prevents the development of airway allergy when the mice are re-exposed to intranasal OVA (35).