Luciferase activity was significantly inhibited by the PFKP 3′ UTR sequence when only miR-520a/b/e were cotransfected (Fig. 4C). However, luciferase activity was not inhibited by a mutant 3′ UTR sequence (Fig. 4D,E), strongly demonstrating that miR-520a/b/e directly targets the 3′ UTR sequence of PFKP mRNA and inhibits the expression of PFKP. Because expression of PFKP was down-modulated
by miR-520s, we next tested whether miR-520a/b/e are regulated by TARDBP by measuring expression of these miRNAs by qRT-PCR after silencing of TARDBP in SK-Hep1 and SNU449. Results showed that expression of miR-520a/b/e was significantly increased when TARDBP was silenced (Fig. 5A), with expression of miR-520b strongly induced by silencing TARDBP in two HCC cell lines. TARDBP is a DNA-binding protein that binds selleck inhibitor to the GTGTGT sequence in target promoter regions.22 Thus, we examined whether TARDBP can directly bind to the miR-520b Ulixertinib datasheet promoter. Indeed, a chromatin IP (ChIP) assay demonstrated that TARDBP directly bound to the miR-520b promoter region, specifically in GT-rich regions (Fig. 5B), suggesting that miR-520b is indeed a direct downstream target of TARDBP. Our results strongly suggested that growth inhibition after depletion of TARDBP might be mediated by miR-520a/b/e. To test this hypothesis, we introduced miR-520a/b/e into two HCC cell lines
and observed that cell growth was significantly
reduced (Supporting Fig. 4). To further test whether growth inhibition is mediated by down-regulation of PFKP, we introduced exogenous myc-tagged PFKP MCE公司 after silencing TARDBP in SK-Hep1 cells. Because myc-tagged PFKP lacks a 3′ UTR sequence, its expression is not inhibited by miR-520s (Fig. 5C). Growth inhibition by silencing TARDBP was rescued by exogenous PFKP (Fig. 5D). Furthermore, glucose uptake, lactate production, and ATP level were significantly increased by exogenous PFKP (Fig. 5E). When induced miR-520b in TARDBP-silenced SK-Hep1 was inhibited by specific antisense miR-520b inhibitor, expression of PFKP was recovered (Supporting Fig. 5), demonstrating that regulation of PFKP by TARDBP is mediated through miR-520s. Taken together, our data suggested that PFKP is the main regulatory target for TARDBP-miR-520s-mediated regulation of cell growth. These observations agree very well with the finding of previous studies showing that miR-520b and miR-520e might function as negative regulators of cell proliferation.27, 30 Our data suggested functional roles of TARDBP and PFKP as positive regulators and miR-520s as a negative regulator of cell proliferation. This view is strongly supported by expression patterns of these genes in the NCI-60 cancer cell lines. Expression of both TARDBP and PFKP was very high in the vast majority of the 60 cancer cell lines (Supporting Fig. 6A).