Although the NMS is nationally commissioned, provision is the choice of individual pharmacist; where the service is not routinely being offered, pharmacists should consider providing the service in light of these findings. Despite the potential for social desirability bias with telephone
interviews, we found similar adherence results but had a higher response rate via telephone compared with postal questionnaires. 1. Morisky DE, Ang A, Krousel-Wood M, Ward H. Predictive Validity of a Medication Adherence Measure for Hypertension Control. J of Clin Hypertens 2008; 10(5):348–354. A. Latifa, D. Watmougha, N.-E. Salemaa, R. A. Elliotta, M. J. Boyda, J. Waringb aDivision Pexidartinib cell line of Social Research in Medicines and Health, School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, bCenter for Health Innovation, Leadership & Learning, Business School, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK As part of a wider evaluation, this
qualitative study explores the pharmacist delivery of the NMS in practice. Analysis of NMS consultations suggested that pharmacists did discuss medicine adherence, although more exploratory discussions about missed doses were not always undertaken. Improvements can be made so that pharmacists create learning rather than selleck chemical teaching environments. Globally, policy makers and professional bodies are becoming more interested in extending pharmacists roles from medicines supply towards services for chronic conditions. The NMS has been commissioned in England since 2011 very and can be offered to people starting a new medicine for selected chronic conditions. The service aims to improve medicine adherence, support patients in making decisions about their treatment
and reduce medicine wastage. This abstract presents findings about how the service is being delivered in ‘everyday’ practice. Following ethical approval, patients were invited to be ‘tracked’ through their journey when receiving the NMS.1 Sampling incorporated different pharmacy types, patient characteristics and disease states, including representation across age, gender and condition for which the new medicine was prescribed. Tracking involved a highly-focussed ‘workplace’ interview undertaken independently with both patient and pharmacist to determine a priori expectations about the NMS interaction. Following audio or video recording of the NMS consultation, a follow-up interview was undertaken immediately afterwards with both participants. Due to the impromptu nature of offering the NMS, there were no observations of the way pharmacists offered the NMS to patients. All data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the principles of constant comparison for anticipated and emerging themes. Twenty patients were tracked from 15 different pharmacies. NMS consultations were found to be mutually respectful and polite encounters.