Overall, the resolution

has a minor impact on the quality

Overall, the resolution

has a minor impact on the quality of surface air temperatures, although some differences during winter were found, as mentioned above (Figure 8). However, RCAO has the potential to improve air temperature over the sea in all Baltic sub-basins at least during summer, when the westerly flow over the North Atlantic is generally weaker than during winter (Kjellström et al. 2005). In winter, air temperatures in the region are perhaps controlled more by the large-scale circulation, which is determined by the lateral rather than the surface boundary conditions from the GCM. A more realistic representation of SST CHIR-99021 order and sea ice cover with the help of the high-resolution ocean model in RCAO has a minor impact on air temperatures

in winter but a major impact during spring and summer (see also the next sub-section). During 1980–2007 sea ice discrepancies between RCAO-ECHAM5 and observations are larger than biases in RCAO-ERA40 (Figure 9, middle panels). Owing to the warm bias in RCAO-ECHAM5 the mean maximum sea Cyclopamine mw ice extent is only about 60% of the observed value, even though it is within the range of natural variability. On the other hand, the mean seasonal ice cover calculated with atmospheric forcing from RCAO-HadCM3_ref is overestimated compared to observations (Figure 9, lower panels). In this simulation the largest biases occur in spring owing to the delayed melting of the ice cover. Depending on the

season and location, simulated 2 m air temperature changes over the Baltic Sea in the selected scenario simulations, RCAO-ECHAM5 A1B and RCAO-HadCM3_ref A1B, are in the range between +1 and +7°C (Figure 10). 2 m air temperature changes are largest over the northern Baltic Sea during all seasons. Similar results are found in RCA3-ECHAM5 A1B and RCA3-HadCM3 A1B simulations but with somewhat smaller air temperature increases in the clonidine northern Baltic Sea (Figure 10). Over land the surface air temperature changes are largest during winter (Figure 10; cf. Kjellström et al. 2011). This warming pattern with a maximum in the north-eastern model domain of RCAO, most notably in northern Fennoscandia, the Kola Peninsula and the ocean areas close to the northern rim (not shown), is explained by the increased zonality of the mean SLP field together with the snow-albedo feedback over land (Kjellström et al. 2011). In summer SLP changes are small and there is no impact of the snow-albedo feedback. This leads to relatively small changes in surface air temperature. The outstanding role of the Baltic Sea for changes in surface variables like air temperature is explained by the sea ice – albedo feedback as explained below. As the same greenhouse gas emission scenario (A1B) is assumed, differences in the simulated changes depend on the forcing GCM (ECHAM5 or HadCM3_ref) and on the RCM (RCAO or RCA).

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