This can be estimated experimentally by dyeing the inlet water used for flushing and measuring the fraction of water in the tank which is dyed. Mathematically, this is equivalent to setting the dye water fraction as C=0 initially within
the tank and C=1 on the inlet flow – the average of C over the tank represents a measure of the flushed fraction. The model assumptions are (a) MAPK inhibitor the density difference between the inlet and the ballast water has a negligible effect dynamically, (b) the NIS are passive and (c) mixing within the compartments is perfect. The water exchange within the tank represents the removal of the NIS. Fig. 3(a) shows a schematic plan view of a general tank configuration consisting of m by n interconnected rectangular compartments, and the notation used in the mathematical model. The box structure of most ballast tanks means that this topological network (see Wu et al., 2012, Weinläder et al., 2012 and Joekar-Niasar et al., 2010) is appropriate. This type of analysis is easily extendable to other topological networks. A compartment at the i th row and the j th column of the tank is referenced as [i][j][i][j]. The bottom right-hand corner compartment is the pipe entrance to the ballast tank, while the top left-hand
and right-hand corner compartments are two outlets. The tank is not constrained to the horizontal plane and may ‘fold’ as it progresses from the double bottom of a ship up its sides. Water with the same density as the water in the tank is injected through the inlet. Fig. 3(b) shows a schematic of a generic compartment within the ballast tank. p[i][j]p[i][j] is the pressure of compartment [i][j][i][j]. The volume flux from compartment [i1][j1][i1][j1] to its neighbouring compartment [i2][j2][i2][j2] (here i1=i2i1=i2, |j1−j2|=1|j1−j2|=1
or j1=j2j1=j2, |i1−i2|=1|i1−i2|=1) through an orifice with cross sectional area A[i1][j1],[i2][j2]A[i1][j1],[i2][j2] is defined as equation(1) f[i1][j1],[i2][j2]=∫A[i1][j1],[i2][j2]u·n^dA,where uu is the velocity, n^ is a unit normal vector directed from compartment [i1][j1][i1][j1] to compartment [i2][j2][i2][j2]. The fraction of water in compartment [i][j][i][j] (of volume V[i][j]V[i][j]) that has been flushed out is defined Regorafenib as equation(2) C[i][j]=1V[i][j]∫V[i][j]CdV.The flushed fraction is calculated as a function of dimensionless time T, based on flushing the total tank volume (V), i.e. equation(3) T=QtV,where T=0 corresponds to the tank starting to be flushed. We develop a system of ordinary differential equations by integrating over individual compartments. The inertial force of the fluid is sufficiently large when compared to the buoyancy force so that the latter can be ignored. The basis of the model is that the incoming matter is well mixed and p is the same within each compartment, but the gradients of p and C between compartments are important.