MRI with the added value of IV contrast administration can also be helpful in delineating atelectasis, which can be hyperintense, from central lung mass [8]. Pancoast tumor is a superior sulcus neoplasm which has a propensity to invade learn more the adjacent vertebrae, subclavian vessels, the brachial plexus and the base of the neck. Clinically, patients may present with Horner’s syndrome secondary to sympathetic chain invasion. Chest radiographs
may detect an apical mass or opacity. CT with multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) can define the outline of the tumor and invasion of important adjacent structures such as the brachial plexus. MRI imaging is reserved for equivocal cases and it is useful to detect extension into the brachial plexus, the vertebrae and the
neural foramina [9]. The combined use of CT and MRI imaging in Pancoast tumors may be useful for the accurate preoperative prediction of tumor respectability [10]. Invasion of the subclavian, common carotid, and vertebral arteries, less than 50% vertebral body involvement, and extension into the neural foramina should be considered p38 MAPK inhibitor relative contraindications to surgery [10]. The presence of mediastinal lymph node metastasis has a great impact on tumor resectability and therefore patient’s survival. The likelihood of lymph node metastasis is linked to increased tumor size, central location and adenocarcinoma histology [5]. Nodal staging with CT scan is based on morphological characterization. The current consensus defines a lymph node with a short axis diameter more than 1 cm on an axial CT scan as a possible positive lymph node [7]. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of CT scan in the detection of malignant mediastinal Rucaparib lymph nodes were 51% and 86%, respectively. CT scan is therefore an imperfect modality to rule in or rule out lymph node involvement [4]. False positive CT results
are caused by postobstructive pneumonitis or atelectasis and are more common with central tumors and false negative CT results are especially associated with adenocarcinomas [11]. An additional role of CT scan is in guiding mediastinal lymph node biopsy by invasive techniques; therefore it continues to play an important role for lung cancer diagnosis [4]. Several studies demonstrated high accuracy of PDG–PET for the detection of malignant mediastinal lymph nodes. Meta-analyses confirmed a sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 85% in 2865 patients [4]. Many studies have shown a high negative predictive value estimated as ≥90% in lymph node staging [12]. False positive FDG-PET results can be related to inflammatory or infectious changes in the lymph nodes as well as residual brown fat. False negative results can occur when tumor load in metastatic mediastinal lymph nodes is low (Micormetastases) [7]. Lee et al.