Thus, maternal biomarkers
for estimating mercury exposure to the neonate warrant further investigation. The women in this study were accustomed to consuming seafood including fish and shellfish. They preferred oceanic fish to freshwater fish. Regression analysis revealed that higher frequencies of fish intake were associated with higher total mercury levels in maternal urine or cord blood. This result was consistent with other studies.21 and 28 Therefore, the frequency of fish consumption during pregnancy is a good and convenient predictor of mercury concentrations. With the development of the economy, pollution of the water is becoming more and more serious in China.29 Women who live in coastal regions have more HDAC inhibitor opportunity to intake a lot of seafood during pregnancy.30 Frequent consumption of large predatory fish can pose a risk of exposure to persistent environmental contaminants which bioaccumulate in the aquatic food chain. Some fish
and shellfish contain high levels of toxic chemicals, including mercury, which may harm neurobehavioral development of the fetus and neonate.31 Not all types of fish and shellfish contain harmful amounts of mercury, and the American CAL-101 research buy Food and Drug Administration and EPA have made recommendations on specific types of seafood that should be avoided by pregnant women.32 In China, many studies on mercury concentrations in fish have been carried out, but a large and integrated survey on total mercury levels in most kinds of fish is yet to be done. It is therefore this website necessary to provide the Chinese people with detailed information on the distribution of chemicals in fish to help establish a dietary recommendation. The NBNA was formulated based on the method of Brazelton and Amiel-Tison for
behavioral neurological measurement in newborns, which was used to measure the neurobehavioral development of neonates.14 and 15 Many studies33 and 34 have demonstrated that the NBNA is a stable and reliable method for neurological assessment. In this study, multiple regressions revealed that cord blood mercury level was associated with neurobehavioral development in the neonates. Further analysis revealed that all five sections of the NBNA were correlated with cord blood mercury levels. This indicates that cord blood mercury is an important biomarker for neurobehavioral development. No other studies have been carried out to detect the relationship between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurobehavioral development in neonates in China. Many studies have examined the neuropsychological effects of prenatal exposure to mercury in children,7 and 35 but few studies have focused on the effects in neonates. Steuerwald et al.8 evaluated neurological function in 182 singleton term births in Faroe Islands and found that increased exposure to mercury through maternal seafood consumption was associated with significant deficits in language, attention, and memory in school-aged children.