Greatest decreases were observed in cells exposed to, EHC-93tot, EHC-93insol, SRM-1648, copper II oxide and SiO2, ( Fig. 5D, Table 3). TiO2 exposure did not alter nitrite levels. As indicated earlier for particle-only exposures, respiratory burst in PMA-, Zymosan-, or LPS/IFN-γ-stimulated macrophages was also adjusted for viability at 2 h post-exposure to account for overt cytotoxicity.
There was an overall strong correlation between the potencies (βi-v2) of the tested particles for inhibition of the respiratory burst induced by the three stimulants (βiPMA-v2 SB203580 cost vs. βiZymosan-v2, r = 0.61, p = 0.036; βiZymosan-v2 vs. βiLPS/IFN-v2, r = 0.64, p = 0.027; βiPMA-v2 vs. βiLPS/IFN-v2, r = 0.95, p < 0.001, Pearson correlation). Three clusters this website of materials were deduced from the degree of inhibition of the stimulant-induced respiratory burst: high potency (SRM-1649 and iron III oxide), intermediate potency (EHC-93tot, EHC-93insol, SRM-1648, VERP, copper II oxide, and iron II/III oxide), and low potency (EHC-93sol, TiO2, SiO2,
nickel II oxide) ( Fig. 6A). Best subsets regression applied to all variables tested (βv2 and βi-v2 for PMA, Zymosan and LPS/IFN-γ) indicated that cell viability after 2 h exposure to particles (XTT reduction, βv2) was the only strong predictor of viability after 24 h (βv24, R2 = 0.87, p < 0.001, Variance Inflation Factor = 1.0). The extent of inhibitory effects of the particles on stimulant-induced respiratory burst after 2 h incubation with particles (consensus βi-v2) also correlated with cytotoxicity measured after 24 h (βv24), but with some nuances, as described below ( Fig. 6B). The consensus potency was derived as mean potency of inhibition Dapagliflozin of respiratory burst for a given particle, across treatments of cells with PMA, Zymosan and LPS/IFN-γ. While SiO2 was highly cytotoxic (βv24 = −0.287) and inhibited the respiratory burst in response to Zymosan (βi-v2 = −0.110), SiO2 nevertheless increased the respiratory burst response to PMA and LPS/IFN-γ
(βi-v2 = 0.115). Copper II oxide (βv24 = −0.844, βi-v2 = −0.220) and nickel II oxide (βv24 = −0.289, βi-v2 = −0.079) were highly cytotoxic and inhibitory on respiratory burst. In contrast, VERP particles were moderately inhibitory on respiratory burst but without apparent cytotoxicity ( Fig. 6B). Overall, viability at 24 h (βv24) for SiO2, Cu II oxide, Ni II oxide, Fe III oxide, Fe II/III oxide, and TiO2 correlated with the occupational exposure limits ( Fig. 6C). The urban particles EHC-93 (Ottawa), SRM-1648 (St-Louis) and SRM-1649 (Washington) directly activated the release of reactive oxygen species by macrophages. It is well established that urban particles induce respiratory burst in phagocytic cells (Beck-Speier et al., 2005).